There is a deeper meaning in his words.

The scenery understood, and her face turned red. She raised her hand to cover her face, thinking that like this old man who was accustomed to big winds and waves, they had a more unrestrained unruly when they said something inappropriate for children.

When he got the seat, Duan Mu didn't put her down, but let her sit on his lap. He touched her head in a good mood, as if he was comforting a timid pet. Seeing the waiter who came to deliver the food, she whispered: "You put me down."

She sat on his lap, which made others look like... Although she could guarantee that the waiter in this restaurant would not dare to go out and talk nonsense.

"Do you not like scenery to be close to me?" He stroked her cheek funny and felt the temperature on her skin, which made him feel better. He didn't know it before. It turned out to be fun to tease her. Things.

Seeing another waiter coming over to deliver the wine, the scenery gave up resistance and buried her face in his chest, she sighed, "I don't like it, but there are other people..."

"Is there anything wrong? Isn't this way to let others know that we have an unspeakable relationship?"

She thought for a while and blurted out, "Maybe some people think that you are raised by me."

Her guess is completely reasonable. She is a well-known daughter, and he is just a celebrity. To put it awkwardly, it is an actress. There are not many people in the entertainment circle who want to follow the unspoken rules. There are also many assimilated people, not to mention that the new movie Duan Mu is filming is invested by Fengjing.

"If this is the case..." Duan Mu said, "It seems to be good too. If I am supported by the scenery, I won't have to work."

If you want other people to hear him say this, I'm afraid you will call him a soft man.

However, the scenery looked up and asked happily: "Are you really willing to let me support you?"

Facing her sudden excitement, he paused slightly, "Why are you so happy?"

"If I raise you, you don't have to act, then you don't have to play against those actresses." She grabbed his hand and shook it, "Duan Mu, although I know acting is your job, but Seeing you die and live for the heroine in the play, I look uncomfortable."

He smiled, "When have I acted in a scene of death and life for the female lead?"

Most of the roles he plays are those with introverted emotions and deep-seated people. They are like dying to live and emotionally exposed roles. Needless to say, Yao Feng will reject him on the grounds that he does not conform to the image. For so many years, every time he acts in a play, he will receive a lot of praise. It is his principle that he should not only look at the script but also the role.

The scenery snorted dissatisfied, "I've read the script, you will shield the princess. Isn't this still life and death?"

"It's not me, it's Proton."

"Isn't that what you did?"

He was helpless, "Proton is to win her trust to block the knife, but it's not that you want to die."

"But in the end you are still moved by the princess to like her?"

"The scenery." He suddenly called her name seriously.

She had a meal, "What?"

"You have to understand that my role is separate from me." He held her hand back and rubbed it lightly, "Look, what you are touching now is the real Duan Mu."

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