The woman's blood was still ticking on the floor, no matter who it was, she would be frightened when she saw this weird murder scene.

The scenery stood up against the wall, her feet were still weak. If she were to follow the past, she should leave as soon as possible, but she tried not to look at the miserable situation in the room, but walked slowly over and closed the door. Closed.

She didn't look back, and walked all the way to her room by supporting the wall, sitting on the bed, her hands were still trembling slightly, and she saw a woman who died tragically without any psychological precautions, which made it harder for her to calm down. Counting time, when the press conference was about to end, I called the police.

Not long after she finished the call, the door opened and Duan Mu walked in. As soon as she saw him, she immediately stood up and fell into his arms.

With her head buried in his chest, he could not see her slightly pale face, but he also sensitively noticed that her emotions were not right, "Scenery, what's wrong?"

"I saw... a woman was killed..."

He paused, then touched the top of her head comfortably, and said in a low voice, "Maybe...the scenery is just wrong."

"No, I didn't read it wrong." She looked up, her face firm, "I can be sure that what I saw is true."

"Since it is true, call the police."

"I've called." She leaned in his arms again, and said with lingering fears: "Just when I made the call, I also told them in the name of the Xia family, they won't come here with great fanfare. It’s the press conference of your new play. You can’t let the media know that something happened here."

That's why, when she saw the terrible scene, she still had the courage to close the door and leave.

Duan Mu heard her words, the smile in his eyes became more and more real, and his soft voice sounded, "The scenery must be extremely scared."

His hand gently stroked her back, then picked her up and sat on the side of the bed.

"I'm very scared..." She recalled the dead woman, and grasped his clothes in fear, "Duan Mu, you don't know how strange the way that woman died, I think the person who killed her , It must not be a simple murderer..."

"This is not something that Fengguang should consider. Fengguang can forget this matter." He lowered his head and kissed her lips, and slowly whispered, "Forget about these bad things, I like your happy look."

In his tender kiss, she couldn't even think about anything except immersed in it.

Ten minutes later, the police came to the hotel. They sealed off the room. They also sent a small policeman who had just graduated from the police academy to ask about the scenery as the first discoverer, and asked the first discoverer some information. It is also a convention.

"How did Miss Xia find the deceased?" This young man named Wu Sen, who had just become a policeman, was not used to such tragic murder scenes, so he took his master to send him to ask Feng Feng about the situation. , This is the easiest job.

It's just that Wu Sen looked at the superstar Duan Mu and Guangxi standing close together... He was smart and didn't ask much.

Scenery said: "I walked across the corridor, the door was open, and I saw it."

"Did Miss Xia see other suspicious persons nearby?"

"No." She shook her head, I was the only one in the hallway.

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