Duan Gao had already taken out a hook and hung it on the herringbone ladder, and the voice of the scenery trembled and said, "You murdered...not just in that hotel?"

"Yes, I kill people only in specific places, but...Anyway, you are the woman whom Duan Mu loves in our family, and you can also be regarded as the half daughter-in-law of our Duan family. For my family, I have always treated them specially Duan Gao smiled, patted the wall, and said: "Don't worry, you won't be alone, you will be here...be company with my wife."

"You said...what?" A chill came from behind the scenery.

"My wife is a very beautiful woman. Unfortunately, her heart is too wild. I have no choice but to keep her at home forever. Miss Xia, you are also a beautiful woman. She will like you, just like her I always like these clanging metals."

The wind chimes, music boxes, and bells in the room were all prepared by him for his wife. Of course, Duan Gao couldn't deny that he would be even more excited under these sweet sounds.

"No, I don't need her to like..." She suddenly struggled violently, but she thought that there was no other change except for adding a few rope wounds to her wrists and ankles.

Duan Gao already took the hook and walked behind her. He smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, the pain will pass soon, and you will get a new life."

Just as the hook in his hand was about to penetrate the back of the scenery, the door of the room was suddenly violently knocked open. A group of gunmen rushed in. The leader was Wu Sen. He rushed over and knocked heavily with the gun. With Duan Gao's head, Duan Gao fell to the ground, and the hook in his hand also fell to the ground.

Soon, Duan Gao was controlled by other police.

"Are you okay?" Wu Sen rushed over to untie the rope for the scenery. Seeing the scar on her body, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Feng Jing's face was still pale, she was helped by Wu Sen to stand up and shook her head again, "I'm fine."

Duan Gao was caught by two policemen. He looked at the scenery and said viciously: "You did it on purpose."

"Otherwise?" Feng Guang turned around and glanced at him with a smile, "You don't really think that what I said is true, do you? Duan Mu is the man I like. In any case, I will not give up on him. "

"I underestimated you..." Duan Gao's head was bleeding, his eyes were extremely cold.

Feng Feng pulled down the collar slightly, and handed the wiretap under the collarbone to Wu Sen. She breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, the effort was not in vain."

"Tsk, I have to say, Miss Xia, you let me know you again. You are so courageous." When the scenery said that she was going to be a bait in person, Wu Sen disagreed, but he couldn't convince this. Miss, I can only call other colleagues over, just in case.

Duan Gao was not reconciled, "How did you suspect me?"

"Because I believe in Duan Mu, he is not a murderer." Feng Guang said again: "And I discovered that apart from admiring vanity, the dead have one thing in common. Maybe they were in their teens or in their twenties. At the time, they all betrayed their boyfriends or husbands. I was just betting that you would want to kill me."

As a result, she won the bet.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect that there would be a day when someone was fooled, little girl, I underestimated you, since you like Duan Mu so much..." Duan Gaoyin smiled coldly, "I'll give Your present is ready, when the bell rings tomorrow morning...you will forget Duan Mu, and you will like the people you see at first sight except Duan Mu."

A meal of scenery.

"You know, I will hypnotize... and you, already in my hypnosis, forget your favorite person, you will suffer, and Duan Mu will also suffer, hahaha..."

"Enough!" Wu Sen said, "Bring him back to the police station!"

Everyone hurriedly tied Duan Gao away. Wu Sen looked at the scenery, not knowing what to say, so he could only comfort her softly, "Don't think too much, he just scared you."

"I'm okay..." Feng Jing shook his head gently, but grabbed the folds of the skirt with his hands hanging on his side.

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