What Yao Feng wants to discuss with Duan Mu is nothing more than the news that Duan Mu went to jail. I am afraid that this matter is still very difficult to deal with. Duan Mu is after all the biggest artist of their agency. I'm afraid The senior executives of their company would ask him to talk about it.

Feng Guang sighed with her knees on her knees. She couldn't even enter the TV. He counted the time and waited for Duan Mu to return. Time passed very quickly when she was in a daze. At about five o'clock, the doorbell rang and she ran to open the door. , All I saw was the little brother who came to deliver the food, which was ordered by Duan Mu.

She had no appetite to eat. When the clock on the wall pointed to seven o'clock, she finally couldn't help but call Duan Mu again. After the call was connected, Yao Feng's voice came, "Miss Xia, Duan Mu is arrested by our boss to talk about things now. It is not convenient for him to answer the phone. You can call again later."

"Okay..." She hung up the phone and scratched her hair irritably.

A caring and sensible woman shouldn't disturb a man when he talks about things, but she is not usually anxious now. She tells herself not to watch the time, but the time will not stop because of her wishes.

I don’t know how long her phone finally rang, and when she saw Duan Mu’s name, Feng Guang stretched out her hand excitedly, and when the word “connect” on the screen was highlighted, the clock sounded in the quiet room. Voice, she suddenly stopped moving.

The phone fell on the sofa, and the confused person stood up from the sofa. She looked around for a while. After recovering, the strange environment made her feel scared. Then, she found that she was wearing clothes that did not belong to her. Later, she covered her mouth and widened her eyes in fear, but was stunned for a second before staggering out of the house.

The wind in the middle of the night is cold, the scenery is holding her arm, the surrounding environment is all unfamiliar to her, she walks barefoot on the ground, not knowing who to look for, and who she should be, now her mind There is nothing here.

"Miss Xia?"

After a pause, she looked up and saw the man standing in front of her clearly.

Wu Sen frowned, "Why do you walk on the road as a person like this, and don't even wear shoes..."

Wu Sen is a film cop in this area. He did not expect that he just came out to patrol and ran into the scenery. He was wondering, but he heard the scenery ask: "Are you my...boyfriend?"

Wu Sen was stunned for a while. He remembered something and quickly took out his cell phone to check the time. It was ten past twelve.

Without hearing the answer, she asked again: "Are you my boyfriend?"

Wu Sen moved his lips and suddenly realized that he couldn't answer the question. He gritted his teeth and simply took the hand of the scenery and let her sit on the bench under the tree on the side of the road. He pointed to the house on the other side of the road that had not yet closed. The mall said: "I will buy you clothes and shoes first. You sit here and don't move."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back." She smiled sweetly.

Wu Sen was stunned again, and the chaotic heartbeat reminded him that it was not good now. He took off his hat, scratched his hair irritably, and ran across the road.

As soon as he walked into the mall’s door, Wu Sen’s cell phone rang without warning. It was a cheerful children’s song. Before he could tell when he changed the ringtone, his eyes suddenly lost focus, and he answered. After talking on the phone, he said without emotion: "Hello."

"Officer Wu, good evening." Duan Mu's voice was indifferent and graceful. He walked on the road with a bag with a smile on his lips, slowly approaching the girl sitting under the tree.

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