All stories will have a beginning, and all stories will have an end.

In the prison, the tired Duan Gao looked at the man opposite and laughed, "How is it? Do you still like the gift I gave you?"

Duan Mu smiled, "I came today to tell you that I am going to marry Feng Guang."

"What?" Duan Gao was taken aback, and said immediately: "This is impossible!"

"What's impossible? Scenery likes me, and I like her. It is normal for us to get married."

"She should have forgotten you... She would like other men!"

"Your hypnosis does have an effect, but... after seeing me, the scenery fell in love with me at first sight." Duan Mu's lips lightly curled up, elegant and charming, as if remembering the scene where scenery said he fell in love at first sight. The smile in his eyes deepened, and it seemed that this incident really made him happy.

On the contrary, the height of the prison uniform and the height of the body would appear to be a lot more desolate. He laughed ironically: "This is indeed something I didn't expect, Duan Mu... Are you here to show off to me today? Don’t forget, all your handles are still pinched in my hand."

"Handle?" Duan Mu smiled, "What handle do I have?"

"Back then, when you found my place, soon there was news that a couple was killed. Do you think I would never think of who did this?" When Duan Gao met Duan Mu, Duan Mu is still a fourteen-year-old boy, but Duan Gao has never regarded Duan Mu as a harmless child. Duan Gao knows that this boy is dangerous, but he can't get rid of the sense of glory that this child brings to him. At that time, he suddenly switched to writing suspense novels because there was a Duan Mu who provided him with manuscripts behind his back.

Duan Gao was surprised. The child had not received a serious elementary and junior high school education. He just sent him to high school according to the rules after going through the so-called adoption procedures. He was able to absorb and apply knowledge. , Too amazing, has reached the point of frightening.

Duan Mu gave a funny chuckle, "Father, what are you talking about? Sixteen years ago, you had been dangling around Yu's house, and your killing method this time is the same as the killing method 16 years ago. Think...will the police suspect me?"

"I admit that I did kill those three shameless women, but I didn't do anything about the case 16 years ago." Duan Gao also laughed, "I don't need others to believe me, I just want them to doubt you. That’s enough. I’ve heard that the fact that you were arrested in jail has been exposed. Your current career has plummeted. If it spreads out again... you killed Uwen’s parents 16 years ago..."

"What if I tell you the news that I have been in jail was I released it myself?"

Duan Gao had a meal and subconsciously said: "Impossible, you have no reason to do this!"

"It's not without reason." Duan Mu's eyes raised slightly, unspeakably charming, "You know, even if I quit the entertainment industry, with my former identity, I can never get rid of everyone's vision and scenery to live a peaceful life. Now it’s different. My reputation is discredited. After the media reports this period of time, then I can disappear from everyone’s sight. No one will disturb me and the scenery anymore."

The only thing is that the old man Xia Chao has become more difficult to deal with, so...The scenery is now pregnant for a month.

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