Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1449: The emperor of the medicine pot

Because the assassins appeared at night, the Guards had to rectify all night to prevent the assassins from entering the palace again, and the fact that the scenery is a goddess became more and more convinced. Thanks to her, your Majesty could not be assassinated. She was hurt, and mortals couldn’t hurt her. How could she do it if she was not a goddess?

To be honest, the sundial of Dongyang Kingdom's great priest was a little panicked. He originally teamed up with Xin Ye to get a fake goddess out, but he didn't expect that he would come out before he could put down their prepared people in the water. After he heard that the scenery had blocked a sword for His Majesty that night but was unscathed, he even more doubted whether he had summoned a true goddess. If he really summoned a true goddess, that I'm afraid that his team will be changed.

"Goddess, do you remember what I said just now?"

"Huh?" The wandering person came back to his senses, and the scenery looked at the young man sitting in front of him, nodding his head no matter what, "Well, I heard clearly."

The sundial deliberately said: "If this is the case, please ask the goddess to repeat it for me."

"Hmm..." Jing Jing touched his chin, pointed to a tree behind the sundial and said: "Look, priest, this peach blossom tree is blooming!"

The sundial was expressionless, "Goddess, please don't change the subject."

"Well...what did you just say?" She gave up the treatment, very upright.

On the order of your majesty, he sighed to the sundial of the popular science of scenery. He said: "Our Dongyang Kingdom and Nancai Kingdom have had a bad relationship since ancient times. Although we have the same gods, we are also similar because of this. It is destined that a goddess who appears every 100 years will set off a battle between the two countries. Every 100 years, the two countries will have a natural disaster. Just like the priests of Dongyang State, Nancai State also has priests. Both can summon the goddess, and the goddess can make a wish if the goddess summons the dragon, just like our Dongyang country has been suffering from drought over the years. Nancai country is troubled by waterlogging, so which country gets the goddess, also It means that this country can rely on the wish made by the goddess to pray for the country’s prosperity and peace and prosperity.”

"It's poisonous. A goddess can only make a wish for a country. How can a country without goddess survive?" The scenery had eaten melons and became a good crowd.

"A country without a goddess will naturally stumbling and stumbling until the next goddess appears. There are complaints from the people inside, and the enemy countries outside are eager to protect the country. It depends on what the monarch can do." Mentioned this, Sundial also felt that Miraculous, whether it is Dongyang Kingdom or Nancai Kingdom has not destroyed the country so far, it is also amazing.

Scenery picked up another piece of melon and asked vaguely: "So the role of your priest is to sit in the temple every day and pray for the goddess to appear soon?"

"Not so. Every priest will be endowed with some divine power bestowed by heaven."

"What is your supernatural power?"

The sundial picked up a pen, and for a moment, the pen in his hand became a piece of white paper, "My supernatural power is very simple. I can send one thing to another place, and then take another thing from another place."

"Space conversion?"

"Space...transition?" The sundial had not touched these words.

She stopped eating the scenery melon, she curiously said: "Then can you send people to another place?"

"This...I haven't tried..."

"Then try it, anyway, it won't kill you." She was full of curiosity, and she couldn't bear to refuse.

The sundial is a person who is not good at rejection. He thought for a while and nodded, "Goddess, please grab my hand and think about where you are going."

"Good!" She grabbed his hand.

The woman's hand was softer than the man's, and the sundial flushed, "Goddess should hold my sleeve."

"Oh..." She obediently grabbed his sleeve instead.

The sundial closed his eyes, "Goddess, please close your eyes, thinking about where we are going."

"Yeah." Scenery closed her eyes, but for a moment, she heard the sound of the wind, and the feeling of weightlessness followed. She opened her eyes, and before she had time to react, she threw a plop on the grass.

On the other side, the man in white riding on the horse looked at the man who fell in his arms. His slightly pale face was a little dazed.

The sundial is also a bit stunned.

The soldiers around drew their swords, "There are assassins! Protect your Majesty!"

and many more!

Scenery yelled in her heart, why the script that obviously belongs to her in the arms of a beautiful man would be snatched by a man!

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