Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1451: The emperor of the medicine pot

The questioning man said faintly: "Really? It turns out that it is Qiushui Village. I remembered it wrong."

He deliberately said the wrong name, but only to see if they were lying.

The sundial immediately looked at the scenery with a magical gaze, and became even more convinced of her identity as a goddess. However, he still said, "I am the brother."

The scenery was over, "I am my sister."

"I am older than you, so I should be the brother."

Is it time to care about this?

She didn't expect that such a weak sundial would care about the issue of aging so much. The people around had already calmed down. She gritted her teeth, "You are a brother and I am a sister. Is there any conflict?"

The sundial thought about it seriously, "No conflict."

"Then shut up!" She glared at him.

A cough came, and the man said with concern: "Your Majesty, do you want to take medicine?"

"No need." He waved his hand and smiled. What was inconsistent with his sick face was his smile like the warm wind of March. He looked at the scenery and the sundial and smiled: "Fengquan, don't you think these brothers and sisters really Is it interesting?"

Fengquan paused and said, "Their origin is unknown... Shuchen can't find it interesting."

The scenery and the sundial looked at each other, and the two of them were very tacitly trembling and said, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

This similar and flamboyant acting skill is not believed by brothers and sisters.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Mu Gui's lips, both romantic and gentle, he said slowly: "Your village is flooded, I think it will be very sad."

Feng Guang and the sundial looked at each other again, and the two of them were crying and weeping, especially Feng Feng, she said pitifully: "When the flood came suddenly, only our brother and sister escaped, but none of our relatives and friends were spared, especially my brother. ..."

"It's brother." The sundial, pretending to be sad, took the time to say something.

"...Especially my brother, he was about to marry his fiancée who was about to enter the door and was unfortunately killed. How could this be a tragic word..." Feng Guang raised his hand to cover his face, pretending not to see the darkened face of the sundial.

Mu Gui looked at the sundial sympathetically, "It would be extremely sad to want to come here, but it's a good thing to live, so please think about it."

"Hmm..." The sundial bit the scalp and nodded.

Fengquan was not as broad-minded as his master. He asked again: "Since you came from Qiushui Village, why did you fall from the sky again?"

"That's a good question!" Feng Feng elbowed the sundial next to him and motioned for him to answer.

The sundial was silent for a while, then bit the bullet and said, "We watch the sky at night..."

"Ahem!" Scenery coughed.

The sundial paused, and then he said, "Actually...when we were crying for help in the water, a worldly expert came suddenly."

"Yes." Scenery nodded.

"The expert said that we should not die, so he took us to fly with light effort."

She also agreed, "Yes, yes!"

I really didn't expect that the sundial, a dead brain, was also flexible.

The sundial continued: "As a result, my sister was too heavy, and the world's high-level manpower was exhausted in the air, so helpless, we just fell.

"Yes...huh?" Scenery looked up, squinting at the sundial.

Sundial Junliang smiled and touched the top of her head.

Scenery has an urge to bite people, but she endured it, not only did she endure it, she also smiled at Mu Gui, "Yes, I am too heavy."

Mu Gui laughed again, "Where is that kind outsider?"

The scenery and the sundial said in unison, "Naturally, I fell into the water."

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