Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1465: The emperor of the medicine pot

The relationship between Fengguang and the sundial was confirmed. Regarding the matter of leaving Nancai State, the sundial became more and more anxious, leaving Nancai State earlier in order to get rid of Mugui sooner, and to get married with Fengguang sooner.

The scenery became more comfortable. In the yard, she was sitting next to the sundial, watching him trying hard to transfer a plate of pastries to the kitchen. However, he worked hard for an hour and did not succeed.

The sundial dropped his shoulders in frustration, and seeing the scenery on one side staring at him, he cleverly put the pastry in front of her, "eat it."

"Are you not practicing?" Feng Guang picked up a piece of pastry and stuffed it in his mouth, looking at him with concern.

The sundial was a little touched. At any rate, before eating, she could still remember herself. He said, "Maybe it was the last time I transferred two people and exhausted my divine power. It will take some days to recover my divine power."

"So that's the case." Feng Jing nodded, and handed a piece of pastry to his mouth, "Eat it? It's sweet."

The sundial couldn't bear to refuse, he tasted a bite and was almost about to suffer from a sweet toothache. He asked puzzledly: "Do you like sweets so much?"

"Yes." Scenery nodded, "I feel better when I eat something sweet in my mouth, how about it? Is your mood better?"

He looked at her sweet smile, his lips raised slightly, "Yes."

His mood will be good, nothing more than seeing her smiling face.

Scenery held his hand again, and said with a little embarrassment: "Then you kiss me."

The sundial's ears were red, and of course he would not refuse. He raised his hand to stroke her cheek, looked at her face quietly for a while, and slowly lowered his head. When he was about to touch her lips, a voice came from the yard. "Scenery! I'm looking for you!"

The sundial moved for a while, and he hurriedly sat up straight again, with a serious appearance, so that no one could see what he just wanted to do.

The scenery looked at his red ears and smiled happily.

Flower porridge and porridge came in from the gate of the courtyard, and saw the sundial also, she was stunned for a while, "the sundial is here too."

"We are discussing how to escape from Nancai Country." Feng Guang took the initiative to excuse the shy sundial, but under the table, her hand was still held by him without letting go.

Hua porridge hurriedly sat across from the two of them, "Then have you discussed how to leave?"

Feng Guang said, "Isn't this about to discuss? You are here."

"Then the three of us will discuss it together." The passionate character of Hua Porridge can really fit into any occasion.

The scenery looked towards the sundial, and the sundial could only bite the bullet and said: "That's good, you are recognized as a goddess by the people of Nancai Country, and your identity may be helpful to us."

The sundial felt the pain of his hand being pinched. He looked innocently at the normal-looking scenery, and he insisted on staying here, and he couldn’t drive people away. On the contrary, the surface of the scenery was full of smiles, but in secret he was violent. The rumors that women have two sides are indeed true.

The scenery faintly glanced at the sundial, then smiled and asked Hua Porridge, "You are close to Mu Gui and Xingji, what do you know about their next plans?"

"Well..." Hua porridge porridge thought for a while, and said: "Your Majesty explained that the day will arrange for me to do the porridge, and he also seems to have changed the meaning of visiting other counties, saying that after the porridge is finished, Back to the palace."

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