In the tree-lined trails, many couples ride a bicycle slowly passing by. As the saying goes, college is a paradise for love, so the sour smell of love is permeated everywhere. Then it's the senior year or the breakup season!

Scenery refuses to eat dog food. She turns a blind eye to couple after couple and concentrates on walking her own way until a bunch of flowers emerge in her vision.

"Sister Fengguangguang, hello." The man is very handsome and has a gentle temperament. He is very tall, at least 1.8 meters, and has a slightly low voice that can loop around people's ears like a cello. No matter what it is, he meets the appetite of scenery.

Facing the opposite **** to the taste, the scenery unconsciously behaved more and more decently. Even the attitude of the superior lady was forgotten to show, "You are?"

"I am Zhou Lie of the Chinese Department. This year's junior year, I can be regarded as your senior." He spoke with a gentle smile, which easily aroused people's favor.

The scenery was very reserved and glanced at the flowers in his hand, "Then are you looking for me? Let me talk about it first, I have no roommates, and no friends at school. I can't help you send flowers."

"You misunderstood, this bunch of flowers is for you." He handed out the flowers in his hand.

Scenery did not answer, but took a step back, "What are you giving me flowers for?"

She doesn't believe that roses can be sent casually, and they are still big red roses.

Zhou Lie smiled at her vigilance, "Do you remember? When you first came to the school to report, I received you."

With that said, on the first day she came to school as a freshman, she was really greeted by a tall and handsome boy. After thinking about it, she suddenly said, "It was you."

"It's great that you still remember me." Zhou Lie said happily: "In fact, I have been paying attention to you since that day, but I have been suffering from the excuse of not contacting you. Later, you have had so many things...I I have always believed that you will not be the one who does those things. Now the truth is clear. When you were accused, I did not stand up and speak for you. I am sorry, but I also understand that some things cannot be waited for. , You came to school today, it is my best opportunity."

"Wait, what truth did you say has come to light?" Scenery ignored that there were more and more people gathered around her, and she grasped the least important part of Zhou Lie's words.

Zhou Lie was puzzled, "Don't you know? A month ago, all the themes of the website changed. No matter which page you open, you will automatically jump to a post. The post says that you have been wronged, those bad things It's all Liu Ti planting the blame, and Liu Ti didn't really commit suicide. She deliberately pretended to commit suicide to gain sympathy. This matter is still reported in the news."

Scenery couldn't believe it, "So...I was just washed out like this?"

"You haven't been black, how can you say that it is whitewashing? It should be said that the truth has become clear." Zhou Lie smiled and corrected her.

This is not to blame for the scenery. Although she has stayed at home for the past month, she hasn't watched the news at all. When she was stigmatized, she told Aunt Lin not to pay attention to these things, so Aunt Lin is really possible I wouldn't tell her that she was suddenly whitewashed. Thinking about it carefully, she walked into the campus and began to talk about her, but it seemed that there was less malice.

At the beginning, because of a post, she became a character that everyone shouted, but now because of another post, she has changed from a perpetrator to a victim. Feng Jing said twice in her heart. The power of public opinion lies in her. It is fully reflected.

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