Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1482: The emperor of the medicine pot

He had just lay down, and a person came in immediately in his arms, and he hugged her.

Feng Guang said happily: "You have to force you, you will know to take the initiative."

He said innocently: "I'm thinking about your reputation."

"Anyway, I'm not from your side. It doesn't matter whether you want to be famous or not, just do whatever you want." She said relaxed, but also free and easy.

The sundial was suddenly speechless, and he was very quiet.

Scenery raised his eyes to look at him, "Why don't you speak anymore?"

Her breath sprayed on his neck, and the sundial looked complicated for a while, and he said, "Don't move."

Seeing a slight black pattern appeared on his neck, this black pattern resembled something that would appear in Mugui's estrangement/love. She understood what, but said uncertainly: "The sundial... /Is it coming?"

The sundial's face was stiff and he did not speak.

She stretched out her finger and poked his face playfully, "Sundial, it seems that you are really in heat/estrus."

In the past, she only felt that the words "estrus/estrus" were particularly harsh, but now she said these words to him, she found it very interesting.

The sundial caught her moving hand, and he tried his best to endure his desire and said: "It's getting late, take a break earlier."

"Sundial..." Scenery looked at him seriously, "You tell me honestly, don't you just think about it, just lie on a bed and chat with me?"

The sundial frowned, "Is there anything else that needs to be done?"

"You!" She clenched her teeth and slapped his forehead. "You elm head!"

When the words fell, she got out of his arms, turned around, and turned her back to him.

The sundial felt innocent and incomprehensible. He didn't understand what people said about a needle in the seabed of a woman's heart before. Now he understands it. Although it is clear, he doesn't know how to get the needle up.

"Scenery..." As soon as the sundial stretched out a hand to hug her, she slapped her hand away. He weakly said, "Is there anything you are unhappy about telling me, is it OK for me to admit my mistake? "

His attitude of admitting his mistake was pitiful, and the scenery was softened, and when he turned to look at him, she couldn't help but feel softened, and sighed deeply, she was back again. In his arms, he said softly: "I'm not angry, go to sleep."

He is such a person who is so incomprehensible. It's not the first time that she has learned about it. What can she care about?

Although the sundial still had many things he didn't understand, he felt happy when he saw the scenery and was willing to take the initiative to get close to him.

In the early morning of the next morning, the scenery pulled the sundial up. She was anxious to ask him to pick a good day, and it must be the nearest one. The sundial was just a simple flip of the almanac, and she immediately looked for it after half a month. On an auspicious day of the year, the scenery had no objection, so he went to see Shen Yue to report again.

The scenery was sitting in the yard waiting for the sundial to return. When she was counting the fallen leaves, a small white snake suddenly appeared and shocked her. She just picked up a stone on the ground to smash it, but the snake spoke. I said, "Bold human, how dare you offend me?"

After the scenery, the way of speaking was somewhat familiar, she asked: "Are you... the dragon?"

"Humph!" The little white snake vomited a letter, "If it weren't for my presence would cause riots, I would not appear in this form."

"Then you... why do you want to appear the way you are now?"

"I'm just here to tell you that the great priest named Sundial is not credible." Little White Snake said, "If you believe him, you might as well believe the Nancai monarch who wants to kill me."

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