Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1501: Sundial Chapter Extra (2)

There have always been demons and monsters in the world. It’s just that humans and demons co-exist in peace, but because of the birth of Xiaoxiao, those demons have become restless, after all, for them, half-god and half-human smiles, It is an excellent training material.

In order to put the scenery at ease, the sundial decided to spend a day to kill all those monsters, and therefore, he is not at home now.

"Brother, hug!" Xiaoxiao opened his hand towards the miracle in the arms of the scenery.

The miracle immediately smiled, leaning over to hug Xiaoxiao, and squeezed her face, "Smile is so good!"

"My brother is good too!" Seeing the miracle, she had forgotten that she was going to eat cake.

Over the past five hundred years, although the sundial has disliked miracles in every possible way, the miracles have always followed the sundial, and for the sake of the miracle desperately protecting the scenery, the sundial did not rush the miracle away.

The scenery looked at one big and one small smile, and couldn't help saying: "Miracles, Xiaoxiao likes you very much."

"That was, when Xiaoxiao was born, neither you nor your father had time to take care of her. Xiaoxiao was sleepy and hungry. I brought it all."

The miracle was unintentional, but the scenery was thoughtful. She smiled embarrassedly. She didn't dare to say that it was because of a man who had abstained from **** for several months. After she recovered from the baby, she pulled her to play on the bed. The two great talents can play games, and they paid back all the months that she owed her.

Thinking of that period of life without shame and irritation, she still blushes now.

Scenery coughed, and said in a awkward manner: "Miraculous, you can eat cake with a smile, I'll go to sleep first."

The miracle nodded, "Okay, mother, don't worry."

She smiled and said, "Mother, don't worry!"

"Little naughty ghost." Scenery smiled and touched Xiaoxiao's head before turning around.

She was tossed by the sundial too late last night, and Xiaoxiao was habitually waking up early, and the sundial went out to clean up the monsters, so today she took care of Xiaoxiao personally. After having a child, she can realize how tired it is to take care of the child. When I touched the bed, the scenery just lay on it and didn't want to get up.

While sleeping in a daze, she vaguely felt that a messy hand slipped into her clothes and caught the hand on her chest. She also opened her eyes, and then a man cheated on her. Come, kiss her lips deeply.

The beautiful skirt was lifted to her thigh by his other hand, and her chest was being occupied by his other hand. After a while, he ended the kiss, but his lips fell on her neck. Go all the way down.

She half-squinted, "Hey, sundial... I'm very tired."

The sundial stopped, he put his hand back, got off her, took her into his arms, and kissed the corner of her lips again, "Then get a good night's sleep."

"Hmm..." Feng Jing rubbed his chest, "Is everything done?"

"It's all taken care of." The sundial said softly: "The scenery can be rest assured, no one will be able to hurt it and smile."

"That's good..." She yawned and asked, "Are you hurt?"

"No." Those low-level demons couldn't hurt him naturally, but he was very happy. After smiling, she was still willing to care about herself.

The hand of the scenery put on his waist, "You sleep with me."

"Okay." He replied in a low voice, patted her on the back gently, with a gentle expression like water.

The sun outside the window is warm and shining in from the window, and even the breeze is gentle.

The so-called happiness, it turns out to be like this.

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