Already used to being eye-catching, the scenery didn't even give alms to other people. She and Ou Xun sat in the last row as always, turning a blind eye to the curious eyes of others.

The students came one after another, and the teacher came to the classroom to give a formal lecture. Zhao Xiaolu couldn’t describe her feelings at this time. When she first saw Ou Xun and Xia Guangxi walk in, she felt unbelievable. Knowing that the eldest lady who maintains the most beautiful posture all the time, every time she sees her, she is like a woman standing in the clouds, and like Zhao Xiaolu and his ilk, just ants in the mud.

The only time Zhao Xiaolu saw the scenery out of control was when Shen Wuyan slapped her. Maybe Shen Wuyan didn't notice it at that time, but Zhao Xiaolu noticed that something was broken in the eyes of scenery, for her fiance , She will never have her own love and admiration.

Everyone said that Miss Xia was just a wealthy daughter who likes to make trouble without reason. This is a good sentence, but Zhao Xiaolu also found that Xia Guangguang is also a very decisive figure.

Zhao Xiaolu never thought that Ou Xun would have a day with Xia Fengguang. Two people who have nothing to do with each other are like two parallel lines. How could there be a day of intersection?

But the reality is like this.

Across the aisle, Zhao Xiaolu was sitting next to Ou Xun, and she whispered: "Ou Xun..."

Ou Xun heard it, and the scenery also heard it. She glanced at O ​​Xun and pulled out the hand he was holding under the table.

"It's class time now." So you kept quiet, and after saying this to Zhao Xiaolu, Ou Xun held Feng Guang's hand again.

Well, Ou Xun has always been a meticulous schoolmaster. Although Zhao Xiaolu felt a little sad, she was good at comforting herself.

Scenery frowned when he looked at the book.

"What's the matter?" Ou Xun asked.

She pointed to a place in the book, "I didn't understand."

"I teach you."

Then Zhao Xiaolu heard the voice of Ou Xun's careful explanation, saying that he should keep quiet in class!

After finally waiting until the end of get out of class, Zhao Xiaolu stopped Ou Xun and Guangxi very quickly. She saw the hands of the two of them holding each other and hesitated and asked: "Ou Xun, you and Miss Xia... are dating. ?"

Ou Xun let out an "um".

"Really... I didn't expect it." Zhao Xiaolu asked this question just to be sure. To be honest, the scenery will be with someone other than Shen Wuyan. When Shen Wuyan beat her out of control that day, Zhao Xiaolu already had it. With a hunch, thinking about that, she said sorry to Feng Guang: "Miss Xia, I'm so sorry, I also misunderstood you that day and caused you to be wronged."

This apology is sincere.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, if you misunderstand me, it won't affect me in any way." The look in her eyes was just looking at an ordinary stranger.

This is really like her answer.

Zhao Xiaolu didn't feel relieved, but apologized more. "If I found out earlier that Liu Ti was deliberately tricking ghosts, if I could stand up and speak for Miss Xia...Miss Xia wouldn't have to suffer so many wrongs."

"You think too much, I am not wronged."


"I eat well at home and sleep well. I don’t know how happy I am every day. Do you think I feel wronged?" The scenery is chic, and the tone is free and easy. It really doesn’t look like the so-called "grief" .

But Ou Xun's eyes darkened.

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