The scenery was absolutely unexpected, and there was nowhere to look for it after breaking through the iron shoes. It was no effort to get it. The second man she was looking for appeared in front of her.

But now the scene where they met... is a bit wrong.

Song Ye still wanted someone to take care of everything. He said, "Teacher Yan, these things are not related to my little cousin. If you want to punish me, please punish me."

Although he usually seems unreliable, he is still very responsible when the critical moment is reached.

At this time, another girl said, "My teacher and I have seen it. It was this girl who beat me, Song Ye, don't try to shield her."

"Qi Fangfang, you are poisonous, this matter has nothing to do with you, why are you joining in the fun?"

"I am a member of the discipline committee. Any violation of school rules in the school is related to me." Qi Fangfang snorted at Song Ye, "Article 3 of the school rules, no fighting is allowed. If you fight, you will be punished. No one can be exempt from punishment. !"

"They did it first. My little cousin hit them just to protect me!"

"No matter who does it first, if you hit it, you will hit it. Then you have to follow the rules!"

Song Ye and Qi Fangfang are arguing in full swing, and no one is allowed. The two have been arguing since the first year of high school. If Qi Fangfang is not a girl, it is estimated that they will fight in the morning.

Looking at the scenery as one of the parties, she was much quieter, she was busy... avoiding Yan Ce's gaze.

Somehow, whenever Yan Ce looked at her with a smile, she blushed and didn't have the courage to look at him, she just didn't dare to look at him like an ostrich.

Realizing that the scenery was avoiding his sight, Yan Ce's eyes were slightly bent. After a while, when Qi Fangfang and Song Ye were in a quarrel, he said lightly: "Everyone is coming to the office."

Qi Fangfang seemed to have her tail cocked all of a sudden, she glanced at Song Ye triumphantly, and said loudly, "Have you heard? Teacher Yan asked you to go to the office."

Song Ye chanted an eighth woman secretly, consciously accepted the salute from the side of the scenery, and walked her to the office. The boys who were lying on the ground pretending to be dead also got up sadly, and followed the bitter ones. Behind a group of people.

Don't even look at them as unconventional teenagers, but what the director of the Political Education Office said, let alone them, no one in the whole school dared to resist.

Song Ye asked the scenery: "Why did you come to the woods? Didn't you let you wait for me at the school gate?"

"Wait for you to come over and find me?" Fengjing glared at him, "If it weren't for me, you would have never known what you were beaten like?"

Song Ye scratched his head in embarrassment. He also knew that it was wrong for him to break his appointment, so he could only change the subject and said, "You can walk to such a remote place alone, it's pretty amazing."

"I followed the map, but I obviously wanted to go to the dormitory, so I didn't know why I went to this place..."

"Perhaps..." Yan Ce smiled suddenly: "Student Xia should turn the map around."

Scenery: "..."

She...reversed the map...

Song Ye suddenly laughed out loud, "Hahaha...Are you an idiot?"

"Shut up!" Scenery simply raised his fist and slammed Song Ye in the face with ease.

Song Ye yelled "It hurts", his head fainted for a while, and finally he dared not speak while holding his aching nose, but he dared not fight back! Since childhood, he has never beaten his little cousin once! If he fights back, he will only be beaten even worse!

Really sad!

It has to be said that since the golden finger of Taekwondo, the solution to the problem has become increasingly violent.

Qi Fangfang hummed to Song Ye, "Deserve it."

Yan Ce didn’t see this incident. He led a group of people to the second floor of the office building and entered the office. His office was like his people, with a simple white tone and well-organized furnishings, although the office was not small. , But it is also clear at a glance.

Everyone stood up properly, especially the tall boys, who at this time looked like a well-behaved and weak pupil, waiting to be taught by the teacher.

Yan Ce laughed and said: "Don't be nervous, we just talk."

However, no one can relax.

He smiled again, "Classmate Xia beat people because they wanted to bully Song Ye, right?"

"Not bad..." The scenery nodded honestly.

So, Yan Ce looked at the boys again, "What are the reasons for you to do something against Song Ye?"

Speaking of this, a boy cried immediately, "Teacher! Song Ye said he has no money to eat. In terms of normal affection, we all lent him our money. He said for a few days. It will be paid back before, but it has been delayed until now! If he does not pay back, we will have no money to eat!"

The scenery heard it, and he was dumbfounded for a while, then looked at Song Ye again, staring at him.

Yan Ce asked, "Song Ye, are they true?"

Song Ye scratched his head, looked at the ceiling again, coughed, and said vaguely, "Really."

The scenery immediately stomped, "Song Ye!"

"Little cousin, don't blame me!" Song Ye jumped up, "If it weren't for you to call my dad, my pocket money would not decrease, otherwise I wouldn't have to borrow money!"

"Your pocket money has been reduced from 20,000 a week to 10,000 a week. Is it not enough for you?"

"Little cousin, ask yourself! Is ten thousand enough for you?"

Scenery thought for a while, and said flatly: "Not enough."

Do you want to show off your wealth so openly?

The boys who were beaten are going to bite their handkerchiefs!

"But this is not the reason why you owe money and not pay it back! My face was lost by you!" Feng Jing stretched out her fist and was about to smash it. Her shoes slipped on the floor, and the fist went out of direction. Unfortunately but very hit the face of the person standing next to...

The glasses fell to the ground and shattered, Yan Ce smiled charmingly, if he could ignore the red mark on his left eye that was hit by a fist...

Everyone is quiet.

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