With the sound of the ambulance on campus, this office "tea party" finally came to an end. Yan Ce got into the hospital's ambulance in the eyes of everyone, and the crowd just saw him laughing, but Did not notice the green veins exposed on his forehead.

A dignified director of the Political and Education Office who is respected and feared by all the students, but today is like a monkey onlookers in front of everyone, still walking in an ambulance, this experience is the first time.

Scenery bit the handkerchief and watched Yan Ce get into the ambulance. Finally, when the car went away, she also whimpered. What can I do? On the first day we met, she sent people to the hospital...

As a fan of Yan Ce and the most powerful member of the discipline committee of Shuhuo High School, Qi Fangfang snorted at the scenery, "You have killed Teacher Yan so badly, you just wait for the teacher to come back and punish you!"

"Qi Fangfang!" Song Ye shouted, "You speak kindly to me! What status is my little cousin, you dare to yell?"

"When you enter Shuhuo High School, no matter what you are, you are a member of an ordinary school. Your little cousin beat Teacher Yan so badly. Of course she will be punished!"

what! ? Teacher Yan was beaten by a student! Still a girl! ?

As a result, the onlookers next to him turned their surprised eyes on the scenery. The scenery did not know... She became famous on this day, or was she hitting the head of the Political and Education Office... in the entire city of A Famous in middle school.

How many people expressed surprise and disbelief. Leave it alone. Fengjing knew that it was a fact that she made a mistake, and she would not make excuses to evade responsibility. She just looked at Qi Fangfang and said, "I have no opinion on what you are going to punish me.

Song Ye paused for a while, "No! Little cousin, why are you so easy to talk?"

"It was me who caused Teacher Yan to be injured. This is a fact. If you hit someone, you will be responsible. This is also a fact."

Song Ye immediately said unbalancedly, "Then you have beaten me for so many years! Why don't you see you being responsible for me!?"

"I am only responsible for beating people, not for beating humanoids." When Feng Guang said this, he didn't even look at Song Ye.

The person who was going to bite his handkerchief this time became Song Ye.

Qi Fangfang did not expect that the attitude of Fengjing would be so good, because Song Ye gave her a bad acquaintance, she thought that Fengjing would be a gag like Song Ye. Since everyone said so, Qi Fangfang was embarrassed to hold this piece. She didn't let things go, she said awkwardly: "It's good if you know that you are wrong. When Teacher Yan comes back, you can accept it as he punishes you."

After speaking, she turned and left.

Suddenly, the scenery said, "In fact, this commissioner is pretty good."

"What!?" Song Ye cried, "Little cousin, are you afraid that it's not because of the eye problem? That nosy eighth wife!? Then I am not the best man in the world!?"

"Get out!" Feng Jing slammed it, and turned around with his luggage.

The crowd who were onlookers at the school said that they really believed that this new classmate was the famous teacher Yan who had beaten up the famous school.

Song Ye just fainted for a while, and followed him, "Little cousin, you don't know the way, I'll show you the way! Come, come, I'll get your luggage!"

"Don't think that you are courteous, and I will pay you back the debt." Feng Jing snorted, really feel that something indebted by his relatives is a shameful thing!

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