Hearing that Yan Ce sprained his waist, the scenery was just stunned for a while, and then blurted out, "Teacher, are you with a bad kidney?"

Yan Ce... continued to keep a charming smile on his face.

She blinked, only to realize that she was still pressing on him. She quickly got down from him, and respectfully helped him up again, crying, "Teacher...I didn't mean it."

"I believe you didn't mean it." With a cold sweat on Yan Ce's forehead, his face was still calm, he smiled: "If Classmate Xia was deliberate, I don't think I will survive today."

The scenery aggrieved on the finger, and she looked at his waist unconsciously. She was really worried about his waist, but everyone knows that when a person stares hard at a certain part of your body, You will feel a little... awkward.

Maybe she didn't react to it herself...

Yan Ce said in a friendly way: "If classmate Xia is all right, then I will leave first."

"Teacher, where are you going!"

He said two words lightly, "Hospital."

Scenery’s guilt all at once ran out, "I will accompany the teacher to the hospital..."

"Don't bother you, I can go by myself."

"But I injured the teacher. Of course I should be responsible for sending the teacher to the hospital."

"Student Xia don't need to feel guilty. You didn't mean it. I just go to the hospital." He repeatedly shied away, but he wanted to keep a distance from her. He was very worried. If he had more contact with her, he would be in danger of life. .

This is not an exaggeration, but a fact, but the girl in front of him is dull and unable to hear it.

Feng Guang is a very responsible person. This sense of responsibility... means that when she wants to be responsible, she stood in front of Yan Ce, turned her back to him and said, "Teacher, if you have a bad waist, let me carry you. The hospital."

Yan Ce was silent for a while, "I can really walk by myself."

"No, you hurt your muscles and bones for a hundred days. Teacher, your hands haven't healed, and now your waist is not good. What if you walk over by yourself, and the injury gets worse, and it gets worse?" She looked back at him and patted He said on his shoulder: "Don't worry, I am very strong, I will definitely carry you on my back."

This is not a question of her strength! This is a problem with his image!

Yan Ce took a step back, "I can ask the principal to come and take me to the hospital. It really won't bother classmate Xia."


Yan Ce Chunliang smiled, "I am a teacher, I hope Xia, as a student, can listen to me."

The scenery flattened his mouth, "Well then..."

She just felt that his face was pale... as if his body was in pain, but he was so calm and graceful, she couldn't make any courtesy.

At this moment, there was another flash of lightning in the gray sky, and suddenly it rained heavily.

"It's raining, teacher, don't catch a cold!" Feng Guang took off his coat and covered Yan Ce's head.

Yan Ce stepped back again, "No need..."

The ground wet by the rain was a bit slippery, and the anti-skid ability of the shoes of Scenery seemed to be relatively poor. She crooked her foot again with a "bang", this time she threw people on the grass.

"Teacher! I must have misunderstood you..." Qi Fangfang, who ran back again, saw the scene before him, and all the words stopped abruptly.

At this time, the scenery was lying on Yan Ce. The clothes of the two men were wet by the rain, and the perfect figure was vaguely visible. The outer clothing of the scenery was dropped on the ground, and Yan Ce's hand... was placed on the chest of the scenery. ...

No matter how you look at this picture, they are doing indescribable things!

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