"Didn't you mean..." The scenery lowered his head, and his voice was very gloomy. "Is "League of Kings" a game for people with disabilities?"

In Song Ye's mobile phone, a man's smiling voice came from the game, "That said... but occasionally experiencing the fun of ordinary people is also a thing that can adjust life."

Seeing that the darkness around the scenery was even worse, Song Ye shrank in the corner and said that he dared not go out!

The scenery opened her hand, and the broken cell phone scum fell to the ground. She looked at Song Ye blankly... To be precise, it was Song Ye who was tightly protecting the cell phone in her arms, and asked calmly: "Are you showing off? ?"

"You misunderstood, I don't mean to show off. At least I found out that this game is not without good things." The man on the other side of the phone laughed: "The end of a game is very fast, so that People who work or study outside find it very convenient."

Isn't this just showing off! ? If he hadn't killed the dough alone! Will this game end so early! ?

When the scenery walked in front of Song Ye, she stretched out her hand and said, "Give it to me."

Song Ye's entire face was tangled, but in the end he couldn't resist the murderous aunt's grandmother in front of him, and stretched out his hand tremblingly.

Feng Jing yelled with his mobile phone, "You are a great god! I will never play with you again!"

When the words fell, there was another click, and Song Ye's mobile phone was scrapped in Feng Feng's hands. He looked at the debris falling on the ground and wanted to cry without tears.

"Why are you crying?" Fengjing glared back, "Can I buy the latest Banana 10plus for you?"

Banana 10plus!

Song Ye's eyes lit up again, "Little cousin! You really deserve to be my cousin!"

"Okay!" Scenery said impatiently: "It's fine if you don't mention your majesty in front of me in the future, otherwise I will tell your parents about your Guoben."

If his conservative-minded parents knew about his Guoben... Song Ye could already imagine what a miserable experience he would have, he hurriedly covered his mouth, shook his head and promised, "I will never be in front of my little cousin again. Your Majesty is mentioned!"

Feng Guang reluctantly believed him this time. Seeing that it was late, he waved his hand and told him to go back. Song Ye numbly climbed down the water pipe again, without losing his phone. pain of.

Because of what happened tonight, it caused the scenery to feel a little heartbroken when she saw the game "League of Kings". She stopped playing games these days. When she was bored, she closed her eyes and went to sleep. She just went out recently... I found that one more flower appeared at my door every day, and that flower was placed at her door. This time, twice... I felt terrified.

This is a female dormitory. Except for Song Ye, a simple-minded and well-developed person, it is impossible for any other guys to come in. If it is not a guy... the thought of being a girl makes this thing even more frightening, OK!

For her own safety, Fengjing set up an alarm clock at four o'clock in the morning. She got up and guarded the door, waiting for the flower delivery person to appear. She wanted to see who coveted her beauty. It was almost six. At o'clock, she did not wait in vain, and finally saw a figure holding a flower in the cat's eyes.

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