Goodbye Yan Ce, the scenery is naturally exciting, but Yan Ce's lukewarm attitude towards her makes her really unhappy. She whispered to the right finger: "Teacher, since you are discharged from the hospital, what are you going to do? Punish me, I have no opinion."

Look, she is still thinking about the punishment, and she is a good student.

"The punishment is not in a hurry. It's class time, where did Classmate Xia go?" As he said, Yan Ce took a step back calmly.

The scenery still remembered the rule of keeping a distance of three meters, she blinked pitifully, "I'm not feeling well, I'm going to the infirmary."

In front of Yan Ce, she couldn't say anyhow that she was lack of sleep and wanted to go to the infirmary to make up for sleep.

Seeing her look sluggish, Yan Ce didn't doubt her. He nodded, "Since you are unwell, go to the infirmary."

"Hmm..." The scenery was not very emotional and took two steps, then turned around and said: "Teacher...Do you really hate me?"

Yan Ce pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose. He didn't answer immediately. He seemed to be thinking of some words. When he was about to speak, the scenery was already very self-aware and said: "Teacher, you don't need to say, I know."

After that, she left without looking at Yan Ce.

Yan Ce is a delicate mood.

Fortunately, before Feng Feng left the classroom, the teacher took into account that she was a freshman and told her how to get to the infirmary. Otherwise, with her ability to recognize the way, she would definitely not find a place.

Knocked on the door of the infirmary, and a woman's nice voice came from the door, "Please come in."

After Feng Guang opened the door, she was stunned when she saw the woman in a white doctor's suit. She rubbed her eyes and looked over again. After confirming that she had not made a mistake, she shouted in confusion, "Sister Beauty?"

"It's me." Yan Fei, who hadn't seen him for a few days, showed an elegant smile. "The scenery looks surprised to see me again."

Can you not be surprised! ?

The scenery walked in slowly, "Didn't you say... Are you a fashion designer? Why are you in our school again..."

"Costume designer is just my part-time job." Yan Fei stood up and walked to Feng's side, bent over and lowered his head, raised his hand to flick Feng's forehead, and said with a low smile: "My job is a doctor's license. School doctor."

Feng Jing raised his hand to cover his forehead, looking up at him still a little confused.

Yan Feifu rubbed the top of her head again, "What's wrong? She doesn't look like you without a bit of energy. Isn't it uncomfortable?"

"I'm just a little sleepy..." Scenery couldn't help yawning again, and then, her waist was wrapped around, and the hand was gently hard, and she leaned against her arms.

Yan Fei patted the back of Fengjing with the other hand, and said softly, "If Fengjing is sleepy, go to sleep. When you wake up, it will be the lively scenery again."

The smell of Yan Fei's body rushed towards her face, and she could hear her powerful heartbeat. The scenery could not help but gradually reddened her cheeks. She remembered how she was drunk crazy, carefully raised her eyes, and asked softly: "May I ask you a question too?"

"Of course, what does the scenery want to ask?"

"What should I do to make my chest... be as big as you?"

This is really a difficult question.

Yan Fei really thought about it seriously, then she smiled and said, "I think the scenery probably doesn't have this opportunity."

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