Yan Fei’s kiss is not as gentle as hers, but is full of domineering and irresistible oppressiveness. It is hard to imagine that such a person will have a side that is not like her, but now she is so different. My own kisses the scenery.

Scenery passively endured this very passionate kiss for her. She even had no strength to fight back. When she recovered, she was completely attacked by Yan Fei, and Yan Fei embraced the gradually softening scenery. Body, time seems to have passed for a long time, and when Yan Fei let go of the scenery compassionately, the scenery was already out of breath.

Yan Fei chuckled, raising her finger on the chin of the scenery, and pressing her lips to ask, "Do you hate it? I do such an intimate thing to you..."

"No..." Scenery shook her head slightly. She looked at Yan Fei with a reddish face. The more she looked, the more she felt that Yan Fei was so good-looking that she was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. She blinked with joy again, and proactively kissed her on tiptoe Yan Fei's lips, and then she covered her mouth in embarrassment, leaving only a pair of beautiful eyes to stare at Yan Fei.

A beautiful smile appeared on the corners of Yan Fei's lips, and he asked in a low voice, "Are you shy?"

She nodded.

"What's so shy?" Yan Fei gently stroked scenery's cheeks, his eyes were warm and intoxicating, "I don't know how to laugh at scenery, I like it very much, you are willing to be close to me."

"I like it too..." After saying that, the scenery hugged Yan Fei's waist. She breathed a sigh of relief, and said fortunately: "I thought... you would reject me after hearing what I said... ...Will hate me..."

"The worry about scenery is the same as mine." Yan Fei said slowly: "But fortunately, our hearts are connected."

Scenery smiled and asked, "Then when did you like me?"

Before getting the answer, her mood was unusually uneasy, but now that she got the answer she wanted, she can be said to be relaxed, and she can safely ask all the questions in her heart that she wants to know.

"Maybe... the first time I saw the scenery."

"The first time?" Feng Jing thought for a while, then frowned, "At that time, I was soaked in the rain. I was as embarrassed as I was. How could you like me?"

"Although I am embarrassed, it is also embarrassing to my heart..." The smile in Yan Fei's eyes is much more real at this moment, and her soft tone is even more sultry at this moment.

At that time, the rain was so heavy, there were few pedestrians on the street, and the scenery without umbrellas walked alone in the rain curtain. She was soaked in absent-mindedness, but when she saw Yan Fei, all her consciousness returned, just full of heart. Staring at Yan Fei happily, when he said the phrase "you look good" softly, Yan Fei suddenly had an illusion that there were only two of them left in this world.

They are destined to meet, no matter how bad the environment is, no matter how unsatisfactory the world is, they will always meet.

Maybe at that time, others would only see an embarrassed girl, but Yan Fei saw in her eyes when the embarrassed girl looked at her... a world that was tempting her to enter. .

Yan Fei wants to monopolize the look in his eyes so focused on him. Is this love at first sight? She doesn't know, all she knows is that to get the scenery, it was decided from the beginning... at that glance.

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