However, the teaching building is not far away from the female dormitory building, just a short distance of six or seven minutes.

The scenery looked at the brightly lit dormitory building, and for the first time I felt that I didn't want to see it when I was studying next night.

Yan Fei smiled when she saw her wrinkled face, "It's cold at night, don't kick the quilt when you sleep."

"I slept very well..." Scenery couldn't help but said, seeing no one around him, he embraced her waist boldly, and then said funnyly: "It feels like we are cheating... …"

"So the scenery feels very exciting?"

"Yes..." Scenery didn't get excited for long, and sighed again, "But I still want us to be together in an open and honest manner."

"This day will not be far away." Yan Fei stroked the top of Feng's head and followed her soft long hair all the way to her back. Yan Fei said softly: "Don't worry about the scenery, everything must be done slowly. Come."

Yeah, everything has to be done slowly.

Feng Guang thinks of his parents and Yan Fei's parents. Their heads are big. It must be very difficult to convince one party to agree, let alone to convince the elders of the two families?

Feng Guang realized the long-term thinking of her problem. Now she has just been with Yan Fei. The sweetness of love hasn't tasted much yet. She reminded herself of such a difficult problem. She shook her head and let herself temporarily let go This question increased the strength to hold Yan Fei, "Yan Fei..."

"Huh?" Yan Fei responded lightly, then lowered his head and kissed the corner of Feng's lips, "What's wrong?"

"I think I'm lucky... it's nice to be liked by you."

"But I think I'm the one who is lucky." Yan Fei's tone suddenly became a lot more vague, "The scenery can like me like this..."

"This kind of you...Um!" His lips were already blocked before the words were finished.

A lingering and passionate kiss.

After a long while, the kiss ended, Yan Fei licked the wet lips of the scenery, fingertips crossed the corners of the lips of the scenery, and sighed: "I really don't want to let the scenery leave."

Because of her sigh, Feng Guang was sensitive to the danger. She didn't understand the danger, but blushed and said, "I'm going back to the dormitory. See you tomorrow!"

Yan Fei smiled and let go of her.

Not long after the scenery ran out, she ran back again. She tiptoed and kissed Yan Fei's lips, "This is a good night kiss...bye."

When the words fell, she was really running far.

Yan Fei raised his hand and gently stroked the place kissed by the scenery, suddenly let out a chuckle.

On the other side, she entered the dormitory building in a good mood, and when she walked to the door of her dormitory, she saw Zhou Xiaoqing, who looked obviously unnatural.

The scenery was taken aback, and then asked: "Why are you here?"

"I...I just want to come and talk to you..." Zhou Xiaoqing looked downcast, as if something bad had happened.

The scenery is not sure what the big issue is. Maybe it’s just because I met Yan Feiqing and I. She is in a good mood now. She walked over and opened the door and said, "What do you want to say to me? Come in."

Zhou Xiaoqing walked into the scenic dormitory, she sat down in a chair, and then said tangledly: "I grew up with the aunts in an orphanage..."

"Orphanage?" After the scenery was in a daze, how could she remember that Zhou Xiaoqing seemed to have no orphan setting?

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