The meaning of Zhou Xiaoqing's words... it must not be what she thought.

Feng Jing was nervous, and felt more panic that the plot was uncontrollable. She was able to act so boldly with the perspective of God, but now it seems that her perspective of God seems to be out of control.

"Who do you like... that's your business..." The scenery said with a dry smile at Zhou Xiaoqing: "You don't need to tell me, I don't think I can give any suggestive advice."

Zhou Xiaoqing lowered her head again, and she said with a dim expression: "In fact, I also feel that I have no hope. After all...the identity gap between me and him is so big..."

The scenery did not dare to ask if the TA was a man or a woman. In short, she feels very bad now. There is nothing more important than sending off guests. "Let’s talk about it today, I want to rest."

"Okay..." Zhou Xiaoqing walked to the door, then looked back and said expectantly: "Shengguang, can I still come and chat with you in the future?"


Scenery smiled reluctantly, "I don't think I am a good chat partner either..."

This rejection is obvious enough.

I don’t know if Zhou Xiaoqing understands the words of the scenery, she just nodded and said: "So it seems that scenery does not have any friends, and I don’t have any friends. If you want to say anything about it, you can come to me. "

"Wait..." Scenery watched as Zhou Xiaoqing walked out of the room, her forehead with a headache, she had never had such a headache.

Maybe... it's just that she thinks too much.

The scenery comforted me so well that I had a good night's sleep.

In the next few days, the scenery was very disturbed. Fortunately, she waited for a while and did not hear any bad news about her and Yan Fei. It can be seen that Zhou Xiaoqing is indeed creditable and did not treat her When talking about Yan Fei's affairs, Feng Guang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After that weird conversation, the scenery can be said to be very unwilling to see Zhou Xiaoqing. As soon as she sees Zhou Xiaoqing, she has to find ways to go around. She is afraid that Zhou Xiaoqing will not be able to think about it and will drag her to talk. get up.

Generally speaking, Shuhuo High School only has monthly vacations, but half a day of vacation will be given every Saturday and Sunday. Although you cannot leave school, it is better than staying in the classroom.

Scenery had already planned to go to the infirmary to find Yan Fei, but Song Ye, who crawled in from the window, disrupted her plan. Seeing Song Ye, she didn't have a good face, "What are you doing again?"

"Little cousin! Let's borrow your computer for use!" Song Ye went straight to the computer on the desk as soon as he landed. He turned on the computer and opened the live broadcast website without hesitation. He clicked on the live broadcast window of the Uncrowned King and said: "Eh, your Majesty hasn't started broadcasting yet?"

When Wang Jing saw his irritable appearance, he knew that he was going to watch the live broadcast of the Uncrowned King. She curled her lips, "People have not started the broadcast yet, you can go."

"That's not right... Your Majesty used to broadcast live far away at this point..." Song Ye took the Banana 10plus bought by Fengjing and sent over from the Internet, and asked directly in the group, "Why didn't your Majesty not live broadcast today? "

The number one management in the group replied: "Your Majesty seems to appear less and less likely recently."

"Yes, your Majesty used to occasionally bubbling in the group, but now he is completely missing." This is the voice of the second manager.

Song Ye was annoyed by reading his voice one by one. He simply started a group voice call, and a group of people simply started talking, "Your Majesty, is there something unexpected?"

"No... I think he is in love?"

"Is this even more impossible!?"

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