Just when the scenery was about to find Yan Ce, Yan Ce took the initiative to find her.

"Xia Guangguang." In the office of the dean of the Academic Affairs Office, Yan Ce no longer humbly shouted to classmate Xia. Instead, he shouted Xia Guangguang without expression and emotion, "Every time I see you, I must sigh, it turns out that Xia Chao and his wife will give birth to daughters who are so unlike them."

Whether it is Xia Dynasty or Wang Ci, they are shrewd businessmen. To describe them as "smart", they seem to be in a bad light. After all, this couple occupies most of the market, as long as they don’t separate. It was very difficult to shake the Xia family or the Wang family.

Although difficult, it is not impossible, because they both have a common weakness, that is their daughter.

At the moment when Feng Feng heard Yan Ce mentioned her parents, she knew that Yan Ce would never be that simple, and he would definitely be the insider of the disappearance of Yan Fei.

She asked, "Where is Yan Fei?"

"Yan Fei..." Yan Ce's expression suddenly became subtle. "He doesn't even want his life for you. If you remember him now, you still have a conscience."

Scenery focuses on only one question, "Where is Yan Fei?"

"You care about him."

"He is my boyfriend, of course I care."

"The three words you said boyfriend...how many are sincere?" Yan Ce smiled suddenly. This is the first time that the scenery saw Yan Ce laugh so ironically. He seemed to take off his mask. Became your true self at this moment.

The scenery has been sensitively aware that something is wrong, but she still stubbornly said: "I want to see Yan Fei."

"It seems that you are somewhat sincere." Yan Ce narrowed his eyes again, then sneered and said: "Obviously the task of approaching you is mine, but I didn't expect that in the end you will be attracted by Yan Fei. Besides, he is still in women's clothing, Xia Guangguang, are you abnormal?"

If you don't understand, Yan Ce still can't understand why the scenery likes a woman. After all, when she liked Yan Fei, she didn't know that Yan Fei was actually a man.

When Feng Guang heard the word "abnormal", his brows twitched, "If you think that liking Yan Fei is a perverted thing, then you can treat me as a pervert."

The atmosphere was a little silent at this moment.

After a while, it was Yan Ce who said lightly: "If you let you use your life to change Yan Fei..."

"Change!" Before he could finish, the scenery had already patiently walked over, patted the table and said, "Tell me, where is Yan Fei?"

Yan Ce fell silent. He looked at the scenery and said after a long time, "He is in the hands of his mother."

"What do you mean?" The scenery doesn't understand, is it a very dangerous thing for Yan Fei to be with his mother?

"Let me hibernate in Shuhuo High School for three years. When you come to school, the one who approaches you is your mother."

Scenery...somewhat I don't understand.

Yan Ce continued, "It's just that neither my mother nor I expected that you will be attracted to Yan Fei in the end."

The scenery has been well protected from childhood to most of the time. Even a new teacher from her school will be secretly investigated by the Xia family to clarify the background. In order to get close to her, Yan Ce could only enter the most famous city of A three years ago. High school, also known as Shuhuo High School, would not care about coming to the Xia family. Someone would have deliberately prepared for so many years in advance.

Yan Ce said in an extremely bad tone: "I don't know how he explained to you. He wears women's clothing and lives as a woman, but you must not know the real reason."

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