Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1670: Strategy...Master, do you double cultivation?

Scenery no longer had illusions about Yu Kun's self-recognition. She began to walk around the temple, studying the origins of the temple seriously.

Yu Kun walked behind her, seemingly expecting her to find something.

Finally, Feng Guang found the half-collapsed wall with words engraved on it, but... those words recognized her, but she couldn't recognize them.

Seeing her thinking hard against the wall, Yu Kun also leaned forward. He joined the fun and said, "Do you need my help?"

"These words..." Feng Guang didn't say anything she didn't recognize, but he coughed and said, "I want to test if you know you."

"The test of a beauty, I naturally accepted it." Yu Kun said with a smile, then looked at the writing on the wall and said: "This is the text that was widely used in the past. Generally speaking, it is used in the school. I will learn it, and what is recorded above is about the life of the female bodhisattva in the temple..."

It turned out that a long time ago, there was a fisherman here. Later, this fisherman gave birth to a daughter. It is a commoner or a girl. There is always no name, just like Zhang San, Li Si, then Just shout it, but this family is different. The fisherman came late to get a girl. The baby is tight. He doesn't want people to call his daughter like a fisher girl, but he doesn’t have much culture, so he later heard the words of a talented person who failed the list. , Add three points of water next to the female character, and the female character becomes Ru.

The fisher girl became a fisherman, and the fisherman was very satisfied.

Yu Ru was very smart and caring since she was a child. When she was thirteen years old, she was favored by people of Wuwangtian and taken back to embark on the road of cultivating immortality. Yuru was very talented, only a few years old. Cultivation is worth the achievements of others for more than ten years.

after that……

Yu Kun glanced at the broken stones on the ground, and could only speculate and said: "Later, it seemed that some evildoer made chaos, and the creatures became charcoal. It was Yuru who stood up to conquer the evildoer, and she died away."

In order to commemorate the merits of Yuru, the people of Luori Village set up a temple here.

After listening to this story, the scenery asked in a puzzled way: "Do you think this Yuru has something to do with this big water in Luori Village?"

"I don't know if it matters." Yu Kun smiled at the scenery, "but we can investigate together."

The scenery said without thinking, "No."


"Because it's troublesome." Scenery turned around to leave the ruined temple. "What will happen here has nothing to do with me. My goal now is to go to Wuwangtian to learn art, so I don't want to waste my time with some boring things. ."

"The so-called saving one's life is better than building a seventh-level buddha. If this matter is solved, all the villagers in Luori Village will be saved. Think about it, how fulfilling it is? Beauty, are you willing to give up like this? ?"

"Sense of accomplishment, these things are all imaginary, it's better to go to Wuwangtian." As soon as the scenery reached the center of the ruined temple's front yard, he couldn't help but stop.

Yu Kun came up and said, "Beauty changed her mind?"

"Don't make a noise!" The scenery roared.

Yu Kun immediately stopped speaking aggrievedly.

The foot of the scenery stepped on the muddy ground under the foot, and then sniffed, lowered his voice and asked Yu Kun, "Did you smell a smell?"

Yu Kun also whispered: "What taste?"

"It seems to be...fishy."

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