Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1686: Strategy...Master, do you double cultivation?

Scenery grabbed a pillow on the bed and threw it over, "So it's you!"

"What is Fengjing talking about?" He easily caught the pillow she threw over, and his innocent look made people wonder if he had misunderstood him.

It's **** to misunderstand!

For these one hundred and sixty years, only one person dared to call her a young dragon!

"Yu Kun!" She called out the name loudly.

Yes, he is also a person of Wuwangtian, so it is normal for him to participate in the selection of Wuwangtian’s new disciples, not to mention that he himself has admitted that he has high illusion skills, just because in the legend, no Ya is a person who is cold-tempered and doesn't like to take care of things. He doesn't participate in any activities, so naturally there is no possibility of participating in the selection of Wuwangtian's new disciples.

Although there is no possibility, it does not mean it is impossible.

"If a good disciple wants to be called a master, it's not impossible."

Look, he didn't refute at all.

The scenery stomped, "You set up the illusion of the sunset village, and you are also the fish, right!?"

"The scenery is pretty good." He admitted generously, with a nice and innocent smile, "I also said that I will meet the scenery again."

Although Wuya never participates in Wuwangtian's big and small things, but every year, if different people select disciples to set up the illusion to test these disciples, this year will be Wuya's turn. Wuya has been absent from work for hundreds of years. Once Yunjidao hadn't spoken sincerely, he would have continued to absent from work.

Scenery understands everything, and she gets angry again, "You have been playing tricks on me!"

In Sunset Village, he can always show up beside her, and always drag her to participate in such and other things, but it is just for the smooth progress of the test.

Wuya sighed again, "Have I ever played a scene? You want to enter Wuwangtian, didn't I let you in? You want to pursue Wuyajun, don't I stand in front of you? Or say... …The scenery actually prefers Yukun."

"Me!" she struck her throat and couldn't speak.

Wuya walked up to her and poked her dragon's horns with a smile, "Zhuang Zhou's dream is like a dream, and Kun is like a **** living in an illusion. The scenery can regard Yukun as a It's an illusion. If it can't, Wuya is also a fish."

The scenery paused, "I don't understand..."

"What does the scenery do not understand?"

"Since Yukun is also you, why can there be such a big difference between Wuya and Yukun?" Yukun is both a cheeky and an unlearned brother, but Wuya, he is like a A handsome and elegant outsider, even if his temper is not generally bad.

"Most people in the world have superficial eyes. They only see the skin, but not the bone." He slowly said, "The so-called skin is only visible to the naked eye after all. Outsiders can't see through the bones after all."

"Then what's in your bones?" Feng Jing asked, "What kind of person are you?"

Yukun's rogue is him, and Wuya's elegance is also him. He still has places she doesn't know about, maybe it should be the place she shouldn't visit.

Unbounded but laughing, he raised his hand, gently stroked her cheek, and whispered: "What kind of person am I... I don't know, but the scenery can slowly explore this issue, I only allow Scenery has this power."

"If I make you angry... are you going to throw me off the mountain again?"

"No." He laughed, then whispered again, "I can't bear it."

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