Shen Wuyan smiled, "Do you have more help than people?"

He raised his hand and threw a piece of talisman paper, the paper turned into an arrow and flew into the air, and finally turned into a firework to bloom. The firework during the day is inconspicuous, but this is a convening order between the gangs. Arrow, thousands of troops will meet each other.

Zhao Xiaolu is also a member of the Miyin Pavilion, so a system tone sounded in her mind: The leader of the Gui gang initiated a gang gathering order in Luodu, and all gang members are asked to go to Luodu as soon as possible.

Suddenly, time and space appeared, and dozens of fluttering chivalrous chivalrous women came to the Vermillion Bird Tower. They were all wearing fairy spirits. Compared with them, the black clothes gang was black here. The group of people who care about is like a hooligan.

Xia Xia took a shot away from Fengchen silently while holding Fengchen, and she whispered in Feng Chen's ear: "Shame."

"It's a bit." Scenery agreed, and she asked again: "Does the Heiyi Gang and Miyinge have any hatred?"

"Listening to Fengchen, it was because he took a murder order. That person was a deputy gang leader of Miyin Pavilion. Later, the deputy gang leader was murderous, so he wanted to kill him every day, but he was not Feng Chen's opponent. Feng Chen I also found him annoying. He killed the provoked deputy gang leader several times in the main city. Fengchen was imprisoned for a day because he killed someone in the main city."

"So in the end it turned into a gang war?"

"Yes." Xia nodded, "Miyin Pavilion and Heiyi Gang, one is a big gang that everyone wants to join, and the other is a killer gang that everyone spurns. They are all in peace, because of this, They have been fighting for almost a month."

Not to mention, although the Miyin Pavilion is recognized as the No. 1 big gang in the whole server, the black clothes gang has no advantage at all, because the black clothes gang will become invisible if they can't beat them, and their skills will slow down. Bo, when the enemy relaxes, he will suddenly appear and give you a knife. This shameless way of fighting is not to mention disgusting.

The two people first looked at each other for a while, without any indication, they each took out their weapons and started fighting in a tacit understanding. Scenery and Summer did not belong to any gang, so the war did not affect them.

Scenery asked Summer: "Aren't you going to help?"

"What am I going to help? It's their gang thing." As soon as Xia finished speaking, he saw Fengchen shot and Shen Wuyan who had been singled out. Suddenly there was a skill that Zhao Xiaolu was treating Shen Wuyan. , "Hey, what's the matter with that woman? She is singled out for her intervention!"

Xia Xia drew out the whip from her waist, a phantom light step rushed over and slammed Zhao Xiaolu. Zhao Xiaolu was not a combat person at all. Under Xia Xia's whip, her life was difficult, not to mention there was a chance to go. Don't say anything when the milk sinks.

Now that she can take care of herself, there is really only one person left. She held her arms and watched the various cool skills in front of them smashed out one by one. Those innocent people saw such a fierce help. She ran away and said casually: "She is going to be killed by Xia Xia, won't you save her?"

There was only the sound of swords coming together in the air, and no one answered her.

"You don't help if your sweetheart is beaten, and you don't help if your good brother is fighting. You are so cruel and ruthless."

As soon as the scenery was finished, he saw Shen Wuyan in the battle group taking down the piano behind him. The sound of his piano sounded like a tide attacking people. This group attacking skill retreated part of the people, and many were also The people affected by the sound wave lost their weapons.

I don't know who's sword flew, and the scenery responded quickly and dodged it with a backflip, but what she didn't expect was that she had just stood firm when a sword struck again. Now, she had no time to hide.

When the knife flew, suddenly someone hugged the scenery from behind. The person held her waist with one hand, and the other hand held the sword to hit the flying knife. The scenery only felt in front of her eyes. There was a spark of swords.

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