Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1694: Strategy...Master, do you double cultivation?

"I didn't see it?" Fei Ziyuan looked at the pale expression of the scenery, and knew that the scenery must not lie anymore. She glanced at the back of the scenery, frowned, and pulled the scenery behind her, while pulling out the sword, facing The empty place asked: "Are you a ghost or a human being?"

Wow... this boyfriend's power is simply max!

Although the scenery is a dragon and a good god, she has never met a ghost, and she still can't see a ghost. Generally speaking, based on her identity, ghosts should be invisible in front of her. Now there was something she couldn't see...I don't know what species it was, she was very persuaded.

But she also knows that what Fei Ziyi is holding is just the ordinary long sword she carries with her. This may be useful for people, but it may not be useful for non-human things, and the scenery cannot all count on Fei Ziyi. The fingers on her side secretly pinch the tactics, and if the situation is not right then, she will directly take Fei Ziyi and escape with the water.

Dragon Lord Water, she could feel that there are many underground water veins in Sunset Peak, which is beneficial to her, and she also had to be thankful that Wu Ya unlocked her influence under the barrier of Sunset Peak before leaving.

Just when the scenery was on guard, a woman's figure gradually emerged by the stone table.

She has a slim figure and a clean white dress. Although her face is beautiful, she is full of sadness and worry. When she looks at the scenery, the miserable color in her eyes makes everyone feel pity for me.

I can see people, and I have a lot of confidence in the scenery, "What are you doing so looking at me? I don't owe you any money."

"Are you Wuya's disciple?" The woman's lips did not move, but her voice seemed to come from all directions.

The scenery was numb with her melancholy gaze, "So what?"

"In the past five hundred years, I have never seen him bring a woman back." The woman in white did not touch the ground, and she was thin, as if she could be blown away by a gust of wind.

Fei Ziyuan already said: "Could it be that you are the rumors that Jun Wuya slaughtered a person from the city for you, and then because Jun Wuya was not interested in you, she chose the dumb woman who committed suicide?"

"Yes." The woman remained still, her eyes drooping, and there was countless sadness, "That person is me."

The scenery was startled, she originally thought that it was just a legend, and she couldn't take it seriously.

Fei Ziyuan said again: "I said it was you, and indeed it was you. It is said that after you died, you turned into a fool because of your resentment, and you wandered around the sunset peak all the year round. Your cultivation base is already higher than that of Wuwangtian's many disciples. But I can't help you, this time you are able to climb the Sunset Peak with the help of my command, so you can follow up."

"It is true, but I am not malicious." The female ghost named Xiaoxiu looked at the scenery again, "I just want to see who the woman he brought back is, is it... will repeat me again? The mistake?"

"What do you mean?" The scenery became cold. What does it mean to repeat the same mistakes?

Xiaoxiu's eyes were bitter, "That person, when he is interested in you, he can be an enemy of the whole world for you, but after he loses interest in you, he can see you as an insignificant dust... …"

"Scenery..." Fei Ziyi looked at the scenery worriedly.

Scenery did not speak.

Xiaoxiu said again: "I don't want you to follow the same path as me. If you have a chance, girl, you should find a chance to leave."

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