"That's good." Scenery touched Zhao Xiaolu's head. "If you cooperate with me, I can make them stop this war."

"Sister! How can you touch her head!?" Xia Tian was going crazy, obviously she was her sister! What is this woman named Zhao Xiaolu!

Zhao Xiaolu casually glanced at Xia Xia, and she grabbed the hand of the scenery expectantly and asked: "Wan Yang, how can I cooperate with you?"

Feng Feng sighed in her heart. She was so innocent and cute. After sighing, she raised her hand and put a dagger against Zhao Xiaolu’s neck. Zhao Xiaolu was frightened at first, but when she thought of the words Feng Feng just said to cooperate, she calmed down again. Come down.

And Xia Xia, who watched the whole process, said that it was unknown.

At this time, the two waves of people who were fighting in full swing suddenly heard a sentence: "The hostages are in my hands, you all stop me!"


These two words sounded very powerful, so everyone stopped unconsciously and put their eyes on the scenery standing in the middle of the crowd.

Shen Wuyan and Ou Xun looked at each other, and invariably looked at the scenery.

"Hehehe..." Scenery grabbed Zhao Xiaolu and smiled insidiously. "Whether it's from Miyin Pavilion or Heiyi Gang, you have listened to me. Now that the hostages are in my hands, if you continue to fight , I will tear up the ticket."

"Don't tear up the ticket!" Tudou stood up with a nervous face.

Pineapple also said nervously: "Goddess, calm down! What are your requirements? Just say it!"

Feng Chen shot him very dazed, "What are you two doing?"

"What are you doing! Helper, the goddess has hostages in her hands!" Tudou howled.

Pineapple said in such a merciless tone of your voice: "The goddess has a life in his hands, don't you see the helper!?"

The masses of the Black Clothes Gang instantly cast their indifferent eyes on Feng Chen Yijian.

Feng Chen shot a guilty heart, and asked uncertainly: "Are you and Zhao Xiaolu... familiar?"

Potatoes: "I'm not cooked."

Pineapple: "I don't know."

Jiang Shan: "No impression."

Qianshan: "I haven't heard of it."


"Then you guys are so excited!" Feng Chen yelled, "Besides, this is a game, a game, comrades, you can be resurrected if you die!"

Potatoes and pineapple bit their ears, "The helper really has no sense of humor."

"He just has a silly brain." Pineapple resented it.

Feng Chen almost spit out a mouthful of blood!

The people in the black gang have always been indifferent, and letting me go is like one of the clear currents. Even if he is on the side of the black gang, he seems to have an aura of him and that kind of fool. The atmosphere is isolated.

To put it bluntly, he just couldn't integrate into the group, so he called it whatever.

In fact, by now, Shen Wuyan can guess what Ren Woxing’s true identity is, but now he does not pay too much attention to letting it go, instead focusing on the scenery, he asked: "You want to do what?"

"Guess what I did when I caught her and put the dagger on her neck again?" The scenery smiled like a flower. She looked at Ou Xun from the corner of her light, trying to see a little expression on his face, but it was a pity. , Ou Xun never changed his expression from beginning to end, he just quietly looked at her with his silent eyes.

Shen Wuyan retracted the Qin and put it on his back. There seemed to be a hint of helplessness in his tone, "What do you want to play again?"

"Play with your sister!" Scenery couldn't stand his tone of asking children, which made her feel very upset.

Just when everyone in Miyin Pavilion thought that their leader would go crazy, how did they know that their leader said lightly: "I don't have a sister."

Someone was so scared that they lost their weapon. You don't need to answer questions like the helper, just pick up the weapon and kill her!

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