Xiazhiguo is known as the richest country in the east. It is said that even the royal family here are covered in gold and silver. Therefore, people from many countries are willing to visit here and have a long experience.

The king of Xia Zhiguo is blond and blue-eyed, and the queen has long silver hair and clear eyes like the sea, but such a pair of genetically superior parents gave birth to a daughter with brown hair and brown eyes.

Of course, the princess's appearance is impeccable. It can be said that she has exquisite features that no one else can match, especially when she laughed, the people of Xia Zhiguo said that she seemed to see the warm sun.

However, it seems that no one is perfect, no matter where it is placed, it will be outdated. No matter how beautiful the princess is, there are always shortcomings that cannot be concealed. This shortcoming is precisely her brown hair and brown eyes.

On the continent of Branster, brown-haired and brown eyes are considered an alien. This alien is probably equivalent to a person who saw an eastern face in the ancient Western Europe.

Indeed, the princess’s hair color and pupil color were too strange, so some people said it was an unknown sign. However, the king and queen did not like this statement. When the princess was born, they invited the Pope of the Holy See to personally The baptism of the princess, in a period of time, used the strongest means to suppress all the voices talking about the princess.

The king once said that a few hundred years ago, the king of the Kingdom of Xia fell in love with a woman from the east. The hometown of that woman was even more oriental than the country of Xia. The woman was black and black. Mou, at that time was also said to be an unknown person, but the king at that time still insisted on marrying this woman.

Facts have proved that there is nothing wrong with this woman. On the contrary, the country of Xia Zhiguo has lasted for so many years. On the mainland of Branster, this is the longest country in time.

The king and queen kindly said to their daughters: “Don’t think that your brown eyes are bad compared to others. In fact, this is the unique place of Wendy. The phenomenon of returning to ancestors has always been difficult to occur, but Our Wendy has returned to ancestors. This must be a good omen."

At that time, the five-year-old scenery was playing with her sand intently. Anyway, she was still a child, and it was normal to pretend not to understand.

Yes, the current name of the scenery is Wendy, which is windy, and her parents hope she can be as free as the wind.

Even in Xia Zhiguo, which is always summer, once she says her name, it can make people feel a lot cooler.

The story of the mermaid originally took place in the Western European continent, so the scenery has naturally become a Western European. To be honest, she still can’t accept the food here, even if she knows that what she eats is much better than the common people, but for Those fried and fried potatoes that were copied are really not appetizing anymore.

It is said that one of her ancestors was an Oriental. It seems that this Oriental is a spoiled eldest lady who has not brought even the most mysterious cooking techniques of the East.

The life of a princess is not easy. The scenery needs to go to the Holy See with her parents every month to pray, and because she is the only princess of Xia Zhiguo, she may become the next heir of Xia Zhiguo, so every time In the church, she always accepts some aristocrats' intention to please.

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