With a feeling of guilt for Darren, Feng Guang spent three days writing the one-thousand-word review book. It was not unimaginable that she would ask the maid around her to help, but the kind maid only She would say in a good manner for the princess: "His Royal Highness, confession to the Holy See requires sincerity. If the Lord is to pardon the fault, the Princess can only do the tasks assigned by the Bishop with a sincere heart."

Yes, no one here will doubt what the Holy See is saying.

The scenery endured, she had to use her short hand to flip through the dictionary while perfecting her one-thousand-word review. As for Darren who was accidentally pushed into the water... well, Darren is a prisoner of the Holy See. Even if the scenery hadn't come out like this, Darren would only die worse on the gallows.

After writing the review book, he still has to hand it over to Herman himself. Herman has always been strict in doing things. If he wants to pass the test in front of him, this is simply impossible. This is why the scenery can really calm down. Write down the reasons for the review word by word, if she perfunctorily, she would definitely have to accept even worse punishment.

In a quiet afternoon, Herman sat in the flower garden, looking down at the paper in his hand without speaking, his other hand was a quill pen.

When he saw the review book that Feng Guang gave him a few minutes ago, he just kept such a quiet state, and Feng Guang also stood obediently. It is rare that there will be such anxious moments.

After a long time, Herman put down the things in his hand, and he said in a deep voice, "Your Royal Highness."

"Yes!" After Feng Jing shivered, he immediately responded positively.

"I have already marked the typos in the article. After I return, I hope that Her Royal Highness can copy every wrong word twenty times."

Scenery suddenly looked bitter, and she replied without any energy, "Oh..."

Originally, she thought that she could not perfuse him, but now, she has to perfuse, even the literature teacher the king asked for her has not been so harsh.

"Your Royal Highness, you can leave now."

"Yes..." Scenery stepped forward, stood on tiptoe, and picked up the review book on the table. Her expression can probably be described as unrequited love. People who don't like learning have never liked copying words. Such things as words.

But her parents also told her to try not to conflict with the Holy See. The scenery didn't want her parents to do it hard. Although she often couldn't handle small things, she still knew a lot about big things. For example, In the Kingdom of Xia, the power of the Holy See has caught up with the power of the royal family.

Feng Guang just turned around and planned to leave, and saw a few people walking over with a man. The face of the detained young man was ashamed, as if he had already felt a disaster.

Wouldn't it be another one who wanted to assassinate the Pope?

"Master Bishop," said a monk, "We have captured this deserter."

"Ello." Herman's non-emotional gaze lightly shifted to the young man being held, "You are a first-class soldier, why are you fleeing?"

Look, even when he speaks questions, he has such a superior attitude.

"I am a member of the army..." An angry expression appeared on the face of the man named Ai Luo, "My duty should be to kill the enemy on the battlefield, not to protect a royal girl!"

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