In the past few years, it is not that the scenery and Herman have not seen each other, but this opportunity is rare, even if they meet occasionally in the Holy See, they are far apart, just a quick glance.

Perhaps it was because he had less contact with Hermann, and he did not have the opportunity to use various reasons to write a review book. For Hermann, the scenery does not have so much natural fear. She laughed again. "Master Bishop is still so busy for the safety of the Holy See."

"This is my duty." This is indeed Herman's answer. Once someone says that he is serious about his work or praises him, he will only answer with one sentence that it is my duty.

Scenery smiled lightly, "Master Bishop is still the same as before."

After almost ten years, Hermann’s appearance has not changed much. He still has the honey-colored hair, which is called honey-colored by the scenery, and the blue eyes, including his very three-dimensional and hard-lined face. No change, the only change, probably only the masculine aura on him seems to be stronger...

The scenery turned red, why did she think of this aspect, shook her head, she coughed again, cleared her throat and said, "Master Bishop, did that person steal something just now?"

This is purely using questions to cover up his guilty conscience.

Herman said calmly: "He stole the sacred stone."

"Sacred Stone?" Scenery said uncertainly, "I heard that this is what the Goddess of Light left in the world."

"Yes." Herman said: "The Holy See is about to start selecting the saint who can inherit the power of the goddess. The sacred stone is a very important thing."

The saint can have the power of the goddess, which is of great help for the Holy See to completely eliminate the Wizarding Association.

At this moment, an eagle flew in from the window and landed on Eve’s hand. Eve took off the note on the eagle’s claws and said after reading it again: "Your Highness, my grandpa is very ill. I need to go back. trip."

"Then you go." Feng Guang said, "I have the bishop here with me, and my father and mother will also pick me up later. You don't have to worry about my safety."

Eve glanced at Herman again, and seemed to be sure that Herman was a credible person, so she paid a salute and turned away.

When there were only one man and one woman left on the promenade, the atmosphere was inexplicably subtle.

Scenery looked at Herman carefully, "The Bishop should be with me before my parents come... right?"

Just in order for Eve to leave with confidence, she said a word without Herman's consent.

Hermann is just a bishop. Of course he can't violate the royal order. He looked down, "Yes."

It seems reluctant...

Scenery was embarrassed to pull the ribbon on her skirt, "Of course, if the bishop has anything to do, you can leave me alone...I just go to my parents."

"your Highness."

She was about to take a meal, "What?"

"The king and queen are still chatting with the nobles."

"Really..." She wasn't sure. Was Herman telling herself that the disgusting group of aristocratic youths were still there, or she was telling her not to disturb their conversation?

Herman paused, and said, "Your Royal Highness, please come with me."

"Okay..." Scenery followed behind him.

After walking quietly for about two or three minutes, Herman stopped. He opened a door, looked back at the scenery and said, "In order to hunt down the defectors, all the doors of the houses are closed. Your Highness can rest here now before the king and queen."

"Ok...thank you." Scenery did not refuse. In fact, she did not want to see the annoying group of nobles. When she walked into the room, she set her eyes on Hermann again.

Herman stood at the door, seemingly not planning to walk in, "His Royal Highness rests here, I will leave first."

"Master Bishop!" The scenery hurriedly passed over and grabbed his hand. It happened that the light of the magic circle appeared, and when they opened their eyes, they had come to a dim room. She looked at Hermann stiffly, and Hermann was holding With a silent gaze on her, she smiled flatteringly, "I just wanted to say something... Please tell my parents, the bishop, which lounge I am resting in."

Of course Hermann would know such a small matter.

What Herman didn't know was that when he opened the teleportation circle, this girl would come over.

Suddenly, there was a roar of wild animals.

The scenery was startled. In the dim environment, she couldn't see things clearly. This was even more terrifying. She was frightened and grasped Hermann's hand harder, just like a lady. Did not call out.

With the roar of the beast, the sound of beating around the cage rang. What's more, the scenery felt that a cold thing touched his face.

She finally yelled, jumped up and hung on Hermann, "Master Bishop! I think I need your protection!"

Hermann's body was stiff for a moment, he considered for a while, whether to throw the princess on the ground directly, or he left with teleportation magic and left her here...

After thinking for a long time, he finally supported her with one hand to prevent her from falling off accidentally.

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