Scenery: "Eve."

After receiving the order, Eve walked over and squatted down to take a look. After a while, she turned her head and said, "Your Highness, it's a drowning man. He is still alive, but he just fainted."

The scenery also walked over. She saw the man lying on the ground clearly. The clothes that this man wore were all expensive fabrics. This was a handsome young nobleman, wait... a noble young man?

After so long, the scenery almost forgets that she is in the fairy tale of "Daughter of the Sea". She has not forgotten that she is the princess of the neighboring country who saved the prince. In other words, she is now lying on her. The aristocratic youth in front of him is probably the prince!

The scenery immediately took a few steps back, as if the man on the ground was a scourge, "Eve, leave him alone, let's go!"

"Yes, Your Highness." Eve is the princess's close attendant, not a member of a charity organization. Since His Highness has not ordered to save people, then she has a reason not to be nosy.

As soon as the scenery turned around, he saw a black figure again. It was Herman. He was looking at himself, but still did not speak.

She had a meal and suddenly remembered that although Herman looked cold and ruthless, in fact he was a kind person with such a great wish to restore the magic seed to a normal person.

It's over...Does he think that he is unsympathetic and unsympathetic?

Scenery made two uncomfortable coughs, and said to Eve: "Eve, life is a very sacred thing, how can we not be saved? Take the person back and we will see the doctor for him. ."

"Yes, Your Highness." The response was too bad before and after the scenery, but Eve didn't ask, she turned back and walked back to the unconscious man.

The scenery looked at Herman with a polite smile, "The Holy See has taught the world before, and when people are in trouble, we should extend a helping hand, Master Bishop, don't praise me too much, this is what I should do."

Herman didn't want to say anything. He stepped forward until he stared at the person so that his scalp was numb. Then he said: "Your Royal Highness."

"Huh?" Scenery can be described as lazily answering, just waiting for him to praise himself.

"The Holy See has not taught you to save a man."

After listening to the scenery for a moment, she looked at Herman in confusion, "Is it necessary to divide men and women to save people?"

"No." Herman's voice was like Gujing Wubo, and he said: "It's only the princess who can save it. It can only be the old, the weak and the sick."

"What do you mean?" Feng Jing frowned, and she seemed to be angry again, "You mean, my ability can only save the elderly, the weak and the sick?"

"I just thought that Her Royal Highness would not be interested in old, weak, sick men."

"Are you worried that I will like the man I rescued?" Feng Guang felt annoyed, "I know the rules, too? I am the princess of Xia Zhiguo and the only heir of Xia Zhiguo. I can't just like one. Man, you don’t need to think that I’m still naive and ignorant. I’m no longer the reckless little girl who would get into trouble ten years ago. Master Bishop, you should put more of your energy on the saint you choose. Instead of staring at me for something wrong!"

She had planned to ignore the young man who fell into the water. Had it not been for fear that she would become an indifferent image in Hermann's eyes, she would have left now!

Herman's eyes drooped slightly, looking at the girl who was only as tall as his chest, he seemed to bend his eyes slightly, and it seemed to be an illusion, "His Royal Highness is angry with me, it turns out that it is because of the saint."

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