The sound of the wind settled, the scenery just opened her eyes, she was violently pushed, her back leaned against the tree trunk, she didn’t hurt, because there was still a man’s hand on her back to prevent bumping pain She, the sight of the scenery came clear, and a hand lifted her chin forcibly, and then a kiss fell on her lips.

As soon as the lips were pressed, it was a powerful invasion by a man, and the scenery widened his eyes. After reacting, his tongue had already rushed in, arbitrarily pushing her body back and forth soft, scenery The reservedness of being a woman was still there. She had resisted, but he pinched her chin. She couldn't hide her, and the physical submission made her feel more humiliated. She bit down hard until she tasted the blood. Wei, his movements did not stop, on the contrary, this made his movements to invade her sandal mouth even more violently.

Scenery was gradually surrounded by this strong masculine aura. Her body quickly lost strength, but Hermann had already hugged her and made her hang on him like before.

"Your Royal Highness..." Herman finally let go of her lips slightly, but he still pressed her lips, and put her body closer to him, he asked in a dumb voice: "How do you feel Is it here? My desire for you."

Scenery’s lips were already red and swollen, and her eyes were still a little blurred, but when she felt the heat from the hard object on her lower abdomen, her eyes immediately became clear. This is a kind of unbelievable. But there is a sense of excitement hidden in the bottom of my heart... and it is difficult to be found.

This little emotion was well hidden, and even the scenery herself didn't notice it, her eyes flickered uneasy, and at the same time, under his aggressive gaze, she suddenly felt dry and dry.

Herman kissed her again, and opened her lips with the tip of her tongue. The kiss this time was different from the violent one just now, and now he was so gentle and deadly.

But the scenery can be clearly felt through the body, his body is not as calm as he appears on the surface, he is very "enthusiastic", "enthusiasm" so that her heartbeat can not help but speed up, she has vaguely notice When I arrived, I was looking forward to something.

After the gentle kiss, Herman pressed her lips again and said, "We need to have a good talk."

"But I think..." As soon as she opened her mouth, she felt that her voice was more charming. The scenery was frightened by this voice. She was busy blushing and coughing her throat, and then said: "I think we don't What needs to be discussed."

"Really?" Herman's expression didn't change, he seemed to let go of his hand holding her.

The scenery was so scared that he immediately wrapped his arms around his neck, and his feet were tightly wrapped around his waist, "Herman!"

Did he want her to fall to the ground! ?

Herman once again held her hips with one hand, and held her waist with the other. His voice was still not emotionally fluctuating, "I thought your Highness didn't want to talk to me, so I can leave."

Scenery understands what he means by "leave", he comes and goes without a trace, and a magic can run across the entire continent, and now she doesn't even know which small forest she has reached!

"Herman! If you dare to leave me and leave...I'll..." She lost her word for a moment, and after holding back for a long time, she said: "Then I won't kiss you anymore!"

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