Hermann's hand rubbed her sore waist gently, and he promised, "I won't make you so tired in the future."

Scenery wanted to believe him, but she looked at his marrow-savvy eyes, and she doubted it from the bottom of her heart. This man was her choice. Even if she is physically strong, she can only recognize him, but she is still worried. One thing, "Eve and the others must have returned to the Holy See..."

If she can't be found, Eve will definitely be suspicious.

Herman just said, "Don't worry."

"Don't worry... don't worry..." She bit the skin on his chest, "When can you make it clearer for me?"

Herman did not cry out in pain, and even he was still touching her head and let her bite like that. This time, he finally stopped repeating the words that made her angry, "Richard's horse won't run. I will not stop when I reach the Andhra Mountains."

The Anders Mountains, there are six or seven hours away...

"Sure enough, you made a ghost behind the scenes!" Because of the excitement, Feng Jing recovered a little bit of strength. She kissed his face rewardingly, "Good job!"

She had already seen that Richard upset, but if she could spend more time with Herman because of him, she would barely hate Richard that much.

Herman raised his hand and gently slid her fingertips across her collarbone. With the red mark left by him, his eyes darkened, and there was something going on.

The alarm bell in the head of the scenery, "Herman, I am really tired!"

Herman's hand movement stopped, and after all, he put his arm around her waist, seeming to sigh softly.

This was the first time that Fengguang heard him sigh, but she didn't expect him to sigh for this reason. She was speechless. After a while, she said: "For our health, I think we should exercise restraint. ."

Herman looked at her without speaking, and expressed his unhappiness very well, even though his expression was hard to see.

Scenery: "..."

She seems to have done a very inhumane thing?

Okay... Scenery leaned in his arms as if giving up treatment again, and she also sighed deeply, "Herman, please be as you please."

Immediately, her chin was lifted and her lips were blocked. It was a French kiss.

Look, she is such a softhearted person, especially when it comes to treating her man.

Of course, people can't stay on the bed forever. The scenery only needs to raise your hand, and Hermann will help her get dressed. When she gets out of bed by him, the sky outside the window is already dusk.

The scenery leaned against Hermann's arms. She raised her hand and gently lifted his collar, revealing the red marks on his neck that she had grabbed. "Hermann, does it hurt?"

She was so cruel when she caught it, but now she feels distressed again.

Herman held her hand, shook his head and said, "It doesn't hurt. Even if Wendy wants to stabbing me with a knife, I won't hurt."

Scenery chose not to answer such **** words.

"Wendy likes Angel Springs, do you want to go there for a walk?" Angel Springs, that is where she liked to go when she was young, Hermann always knew that this little girl would choose to hide there after praying.

I haven't been there for a long time. After thinking about it, Fengjing nodded, "Okay."

Angel Spring is still the same as it was ten years ago.

Scenery took Hermann by the hand, and she pointed to the steps of the fountain and said: "I used to sit on it and daze."

"I know."

"you know?"

Herman shook her hand and rubbed it gently, "This is the holy place of the Holy See, Wendy likes to come here, of course I know."

Just because she was a princess, and because she was just a little girl and couldn't make any waves, Herman had never been in control. It turns out that he was careless. It was this little girl who gave him a death sentence. You don't see people when you live, and you don't see dead bodies.

Scenery just thinks that he is the Master Bishop, and that she should know it. She smiled and hugged his waist and leaned in his arms, "Herman, if it wasn't for that day I made a mistake, would you just Don't pay attention to me so much?"

"Of course." Herman gently stroked her long hair, his eyes flickered, which seemed to make people see a smile, but also an illusion.

Scenery again grabbed his hand and pressed it to his cheek, "Then do you still blame me now?"

"No." He kissed the corner of her lips. "There is no one, it's worth making me angry with Wendy."

All the people in front of her are not worth mentioning.

Suddenly, there was a splash of water nearby.

The people who were in deep affection looked over together, and saw a little girl with red hair in the fountain. Her upper body was floating on the water. It was obvious that she had encountered the scene where the scenery was intimate with Hermann. Hong, she covered her mouth in a panic, and said awkwardly: "Sorry... Am I disturbing you?"

Is not this nonsensical! ?

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