Hermann gently stroked the crystal coffin, his focused eyes only looked at the "girl" lying inside. He always thought that he could not perfectly make a beautiful body, so he spent a lot of time on it. , This is the body he is most satisfied with, because this body is really similar to the girl who looked at him and said that his hair was honey-colored.

"Herman...you are crazy." Arnold subconsciously spit out this sentence. If Herman was not crazy, how could he think of doing these whimsical things?

What the law of immortality, what the creation of a body to place the soul...These are not things that ordinary people can think of.

Hermann raised his eyes. What was inconsistent with his expressionless face was that his azure blue eyes were as clean as the blue sea, "Mortals always have trouble understanding the greatness of God, so your life is as short as Xia Chan, and I ...Wendy and I, we will witness the real sea and rock."

"Herman." Arnold's voice was cold, his hand was already touching the sword on his waist, "So you are willing to take me to witness your secret, and you are willing to talk so much to me, why?"

"Because I don't have to worry about the dead being unable to keep secrets."

Arnold felt an overwhelming sense of oppression, like a beast running in the woods, and met a beast stronger than himself, "Herman, don't forget, Wendy is still in prison. Waiting for you, in the great prison of the palace, you can't use any magic, only I have the key to Wendy's cell."

"Palace?" At this moment, Hermann's questioning tone was full of irony, "I forgot to tell you, it was me who set up a forbidden spell in the palace prison more than two hundred years ago. "

"What?" Arnold's body froze.

"I want to get your key instead of using magic to find Wendy, but it's because I'm scared. If Wendy sees my murder scene, she will be afraid of me."

If Hermann really wants to go to prison and take away the scenery hard, he will inevitably kill many blocking jailers and dozens of lives. Hermann won't care too much, but maybe the scenery is different, she It was the princess, who had never seen any **** scenes, and Herman did not want to leave any shadow on the scenery.

"Now you have told me everything, so...you can do it." Arnold drew his sword. "But Master Bishop, I am not a person who can catch it."

Arnold has been a knight for so many years. Although he was a knight with the purpose of revenge, besides that, he should have no lack of knighthood, not to mention, knowing everything. After everything, he was even more sure that his enemy was not the entire Holy See, but only this man.

Because of Herman, there is the Holy See, and because of Herman, there are so many fanatical believers. In the end, anyone who does not believe in the Holy See will be branded as a heretic and then Sent to the execution ground.

Just as in Arnold's memory, how his parents were captured and killed again.

Herman didn't move, he just said lightly: "Kemira, it's time to eat."

The room suddenly shook violently, the ceiling in the center shattered, and a large animal that looked like an octopus but was not an octopus jumped off the roof.

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