Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1792: Raiders the sword fairy who can't hear the sound

"Scenery, what are you doing here?" The Emperor looked at the princesses crowded next to him, and knew that she must have been dragged over by those little girls. As a father, he must also understand his eldest daughter. Is a trouble-free temperament.

Tian Hou also said: "Shengguang, there is no business for you here, step back."

I have to mention another thing here. The reason why scenery is called scenery is because when the emperor and the queen had their first child, they were named scenery. However, there were six more daughters later. Feng Guang changed its name to Hong Nan, but she was unwilling. For her first child, her parents would always have some special feelings. Since Feng Guang was unwilling, then they just let her go.

The scenery secretly said that she did not want to come, but she had a handle and was pinched in the palm of her hand, and then looked back, Zijing was looking at herself with pitiful and moving eyes, she couldn't help but remember that when Zijing was a child, when Zijing accidentally fell Call her "sister" with this appearance.

Her heart suddenly softened, and she raised her head and said to her parents: "Father, mother, the seventh sister, who is still young at the age of Seventh Sister, is the first offender. I wonder if it can be handled lightly?"

The Emperor of Heaven said: "Being three times of thunder punishment is already a lighter punishment."

"Seventh Sister already knows that she is wrong. She is not right to have an affair with a mortal. If you know your mistakes and you can correct it, it's not a good thing. Just forgive Seventh Sister this time."

"I am with Dong Lang...This is not a wrong thing." Although Bauhinia's voice was not loud, it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

The Emperor of Heaven came up against the crime, "I don't know how to repent!"

The scenic whispered to Bauhinia: "Can't you give me a dress!"

"Sister...I'm not wrong." Although Bauhinia's face was haggard, his firm expression could not be shaken.

Scenery was anxious and angry, "You are really stubborn!"

"Wait until my sister meets someone she likes... My sister will understand how I feel."

When it comes to this, Scenery is very heartbroken, but she is going to find the mortal "Sword Fairy" who is in love.

The Emperor of Heaven was already angrily said: "The sky thunder is not descending quickly!"

With a "bang", lightning flashes and thunder, the scenery looked up, and only looked at the red electric dragon and felt anxious. Although she kept saying that she didn't care about this matter, she still couldn't stay out of it at this time.

"Wait!" The red spirit stone on the scenery bracelet gleamed, and she stretched out her hand to cast a spell to protect Bauhinia.

"It's over!" The active-thinking blue algae cried: "Sister, she doesn't want to stop the thunder torture!"

As soon as this statement came out, the other sisters immediately rushed forward, "Sister, don't think about it!"

The scenery that was about to cast the spell was suddenly pushed around by a group of women, just as the sky thunder struck down, and unfortunately, it fell on her.

"Sister!" The women exclaimed together.

Scenery is not guilty, so Tianlei didn’t feel painful when she struck her. It was just that Tianlei passed through her body and hit the ground. Suddenly, Scenery felt that her feet had lost support. Her body was out of balance, and she only heard her parents calling her name in a panic. Then, the sound of wind whizzing past her ears.

It turned out that the sky thunder penetrated the ground, and her body also fell straight from the heaven.

Scenery took some time to react, but when she recovered that she could fly, she found that she could not fly anymore.

Speaking of the imperial capital of the world, a bully who wanted to rob civilian girls was knocked to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

The onlookers looked at the long figure of the white-clothed man, wondering where this good man came from. He could actually defeat the personal bodyguard of the imperial capital Xiaobawang. Xiaobawang's personal bodyguard is a black-hearted tiger known as the "swordsman". .

The man in white had already turned around to leave, but the plainly dressed girl knelt in front of him and said, "My son, the little girl has nothing to do with her life-saving grace, but she can only use her body..."

Before the woman finished speaking, she saw the black spots falling in the sky getting bigger and bigger, and with a "bang", the woman was directly stunned by the falling person.

"My old waist..." Scenery stood up while holding her waist. When she felt that the ground was not as tough as she thought, she couldn't help but jumped a few curiously, "Strange... …Is the ground now soft?"

Suddenly there were two more voices, "Xiao Xian pays homage to the princess!"

"Bull head horse face..." Scenery stopped jumping around, looking at them in confusion, "What are you doing here?"

Niutou said: "We are here... to collect the soul of this woman..."

The scenery followed the fingers of the bull's head and looked down. Only then did she clearly see the dead woman underneath. She was so frightened that she got off the woman and said in horror: "I didn't mean it!"

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