Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1795: Raiders the sword fairy who can't hear the sound

"It's you?" The scholar stood up and looked at the scenery fiercely. His eyes really wanted to cramp her.

The scenery shook, and subconsciously waved his hand to deny, "It's not me or me..."

However, the scholar had pointed to the white-clothed young man behind her and said, "You must be an accomplice too! Villain, pay for your life!"


Didn't you ask her for revenge?

The scenery withdrew her hand, seeing the scholar passing by her to find the trouble of the white-clothed boy, but when the scholar passed by, she suddenly felt a pain in her feet. I don't know if it was because of the scholar. He was too sorrowful, walked too eagerly, and stumbled on the foot of the scenery without paying attention. He also fell to the ground with an unbalanced body. Unfortunately, his forehead hit the wooden corner of the fruit stand table. With blood flowing, he also lay on the ground without moving.

Scenery: "..."

The crowd finally made a different voice, "This is not a fairy or a demon, this is a disaster star!"

This sentence has also won the approval of many people.

The scenery is hard to tell, she pursed her aggrieved lips, feeling that she is really unlucky!

At this moment, another man appeared and rushed out. He rushed to the woman lying on the ground and shouted, "Cousin!!!"

Scenery...Her conscience has become numb.

On this day, the clouds are overcast.

On this day, the wind is bitter.

In the late twilight, the crowd onlookers not only did not decrease, but increased a lot, but everyone invariably stayed ten steps away from the girl in the middle. Of course, the most common sentence in their mouth was: The catastrophe looks like this."

The scenery silently looked at the corpses lying in front of her. She glanced at it roughly. There were no fewer than eight, all of whom were relatives of the woman who was killed by her at first.

Scenery’s conscience was aching, and she didn’t feel it anymore. Even if she saw the cow head and horse face coming several times, she could be calm and calm. She could say that even if there were another seven aunts and eight aunts, she would feel like herself. Can accept it, even she herself has a deep doubt, is she really a disaster star?

No, is there such a good-looking catastrophe?

"I'll go!" The bully who had been in a coma for a long time woke up. He saw so many corpses on the ground and he couldn't help but spit out three words, "Awesome!"

When he saw the scenery again, his eyes lit up again, "Beauty, would you like to go home with me?"

He forgot all the lessons he had received before.

The scenery can't stand the bully's unscrupulous gaze, "Presumptuous!"

She has been a princess in the heavens for so many years, it is still the first time she has been underestimated. She raised her hand, and the spirit stone on the bracelet had just glowed red, but soon, a lightning-like light flashed, and she was going to cast the spell It's okay.

She didn't believe in evil and moved her hands again, this time she didn't respond.

That's it! It must be because she was affected by the sky thunder that had an impact on her body, so she couldn't use mana now, and when she just fell, she even wanted to fly and couldn't fly.

And the fairy who lost her magic power... is no different from an ordinary mortal woman who is delicate and weak.

More importantly, she is still a gorgeous woman.

"The beauty keeps stretching out her hand... do you want me to hold it?" The bully walked over with a smile and grabbed the hand of the scenery.

"Don't touch me!" Scenery hurriedly withdrew his hand, but the person who was pleased with the meeting had already leaned over.

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