Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1798: Raiders the sword fairy who can't hear the sound

"But I only lack a cow or horse." The white-clothed boy's unexpectedly stubborn tone was placed on top of his calm and graceful look, but there was no sense of disobedience.

Feng Guang felt a headache. She rubbed her eyebrows, thinking in distress that this man seemed to be more serious than she thought. No matter what she said, he seemed to believe that she wanted to be a cow and a horse for him. Soon I thought again, should she run away first? As long as she is a normal person, she doesn't want to be a cow or a horse for others. She will run away first, and she will give thanks later.

"Do you want to escape?"

She was taken aback when she heard the man’s voice. She raised her head to see him looking down at herself. Somehow, looking into his dark eyes, she felt a strong enough Her sense of pressure and tension at a loss is like a sea ship that has lost its course in the night, and what is about to come is a storm that can swallow the world.

"I didn't want to escape..." Something called "the desire to survive" ran out, forcing her to say something that was completely inconsistent with her own thoughts, and she couldn't help but step back quietly, "I Just... thinking about life."

He stared at her for a while, as if he was confirming the truth of what she said. Finally, he repeated it again, "You said yes, you want to be a cow and a horse."

This sentence is like a pair of parents who agreed to buy toys for their children, but did not buy them. The children felt disappointed and wronged at this time.

However, in his eyes, there are at most disappointments, and grievances are completely beyond mention.

Feng Jing felt more panicked, and her guilt felt more turbulent. Her eyes drifted away, but she didn't dare to look at him, "Well...or we should...find an easier way, OK?

He is silent.

"Just...find a more convenient way for me to repay you." She pointed to her finger anxiously, "This is to be a bull and a horse... Some are too tough. If you want something else, I will find a way for you. Come on, all right?"

At the end of the word "Okay", she can be said to be cautious, afraid to upset him, even if it is difficult for her to imagine, if this person becomes angry, what would it look like?

The white-clothed boy still just looked at her without making a sound.

With the passage of time, Jing Jing became even more nervous, especially when his eyes were on her, it made her feel hairy in her heart, as if there was a claw scratching and scratching there, she was not like him. Being able to endure such a long silence, I finally couldn't help but opened my mouth again, "If you are not satisfied, we can also discuss it first..."

"Yamen handle the case! Get out of the way!" Suddenly a group of people came in, all dressed in capable arresting costumes, led by a beauty with red makeup.

She wears a sword at her waist. Although a face is very beautiful, but her eyebrows are full of heroic spirit. She saw the corpse lying on the ground, and her sharp eyes swept over everyone present. "It is the one who committed so many lives. Who?"

It was just the sound that made people shocked. This was the only female catcher in the imperial capital, Qin Zhuang who was rumored to crack countless cases.

"Qin catches the head, the murderer is the girl!" The onlookers were very enthusiastic, and coincidentally pointed their hands to the scenery that wanted to try hard to pretend that they were not there.

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