Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1821: Raiders the sword fairy who can't hear the sound

In the dark and quiet environment, only a man and a woman stood looking at each other.

"Scenery..." The man smiled softly, his right hand was a **** heart still beating, "Since I have shown you my true heart, then you will also take out your heart. Let me see."


Scenery watched the man approaching herself step by step. She wanted to escape, but found that she couldn't move. She could only help him to get closer and closer.

When he stretched out his hand towards him, the scenery yelled, she also woke up from the nightmare, sat on the bed, she breathed sharply, cold sweat on her forehead.

The person waiting by the bed asked caringly: "Girl scenery...are you okay?"

"Ah!!!" Seeing the man appearing in the nightmare, Fengjing screamed and smashed the pillow over. After seeing him easily catch it, she hurriedly hugged the quilt and shrank to the corner of the bed. This look frightened. It's like seeing some big rapist.

Nan Ke put the pillow down, using the usual questioning tone, "Girl Fengguang, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't try to dig my heart!" Feng Jing hugged the quilt tightly, fearing that he would use some tough methods.

Nan Ke said, "Why should I poach your heart?"

His innocent appearance does not seem to be fake.

Scenery hasn't put down his guard yet, "I, I, I don't care if you are a human or a ghost... In short, don't think that you have dug out your heart, I will dig your heart out with you!"

"What is the girl in the scenery talking about?" Nan Ke laughed and shook his head. "I have no impression of what you said about the heart-wrenching thing. Could it be that the girl had a nightmare and took the nightmare as real?"

A glorious meal, "Nightmare?"

"That's true. I heard the girl in the scenery yelling not to be heartbroken. It seems that the girl in the scenery has had a bad nightmare, and there seems to be me in this nightmare..." Nan Kebo Lips are lightly raised, this faint smile is both helpless and bitter.

Scenery suddenly had a strong self-doubt. Nan Ke didn't seem to be lying. Could it be that she really just had a nightmare?

"Girl scenery doesn't like me, I will appear in a nightmare, this is a very normal thing..." Nan Ke's eyes lowered slightly, and said lonely: "I just hope that girl scenery will not tell what happened in the nightmare. Substitute into real life."

Indeed, knowing that a person hates themselves to the point of having nightmares, most people will not feel comfortable.

Scenery's conscience suddenly suffered. She was restless, and then moved carefully toward the bedside, whispering, "That... I'm sorry..."

"The scenery girl doesn't need to apologize to me, you have done nothing wrong."

"Actually..." Feng Guang said with a twisted voice: "Actually, you just don't have to be compulsive...Come to belittle me, I still feel good about you..."

When the word frivolity was mentioned, the scenery immediately changed his face again, "It's all to blame! If it weren't during the day when you forced me to touch my chest...Will I leave a psychological shadow to have nightmares!?"

"I'm very sorry."

He apologized so easily, but it made the scenery uncomfortable. In her impression, he didn't seem to apologize so easily.

Nan Ke apologized, "Girl scenery, are you willing to forgive a man who can only choose a stupid way to pursue you in the most unacceptable way because you don't know how to win the girl's favor?"

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