Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1861: Raiders of the martial arts leader

The night pavilion coughed, and then introduced Xiao Baishu: "Xiao Daxia, this is the scenery of the daughter of my master and his wife, and also my junior sister."

"Miss Xia." Xiao Baishu clasped his fists again, and it seemed that he had both the stereotype of a scholar and the gift of a scholar.

The night pavilion said: "Little Junior Sister, I will take Xiao Daxia to the guest room first. You are here to wait for me."

As soon as she finished speaking, Wan Pavilion took Xiao Baishu and left. Feng Guang stood alone and didn’t know what Wan Pavilion was doing for her to stay here, but she just left like this when she was not good. After waiting for nearly five minutes in the promenade, the night pavilion finally came back.

And I came back with light work. As soon as the night pavilion fell in front of the scenery, he smiled and handed a bag of things to the scenery, "Fresh sweet-scented osmanthus cake, I bought it when I went to pick up Daxia Xiao today. Are you happy?"

"Happy!" When Feng Jing saw the food, her mood immediately became better. She took the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and sent a smile to the night court.

Seeing the scenery at Wan Pavilion was happy, he was in a good mood. He said, "Little Junior Sister, you will be upset in the future. I will buy you delicious food, how about?"

"Thank you second brother!" Feng Guang decided not to complain about his second brother's name anymore. She reminded her of Zhu Bajie again, and she asked curiously: "Isn't our Tibetan Army seldom let guests in? And before I have never heard of Xiao Baishu's name, why did he live in our house?"

"Little Junior Sister doesn't understand the affairs of Jianghu, and she doesn't know that the 50th-year battle between the underworld and the white way is about to begin."

While biting on the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, the scenery asked, "What is the Zhige War?"

"The underworld and the Baidao have been fighting for the first place for many years. A hundred years ago, the leaders of the underworld and the Baidao, witnessed by Guanxian Island, which did not belong to any forces, had an agreement to stop the war. Once every ten years, when both the Baidao and the underworld will send three people to participate in the competition, whichever side wins will be in charge of the arena for fifty years."

When the scenery heard it, she asked: "Was the underworld or the white way you won the last time?"

"Last time..." Wan Pavilion said: "The Battle of Zhi Ge was not held as scheduled fifty years ago."


"Because before the war started, the three masters of the underworld had already fought with the three masters of the Bai Dao, and both lost and lost, and neither side could find a substitute, so this matter will not stop."

The wind is brighter, "So, this Xiao Daxia is the master of the White Dao in this battle."

"Not bad." Wan Pavilion said: "This time the master of the White Dao is Xiao Baishu, Xiao Daxia, and the left-handed sword of the Azure Dragon, who flies in the water, but not long ago, the left-handed sword was murdered by a murder, the lord Suspecting the underworld, we asked our Tibetan military mansion to protect Xiao Daxia. As for Sai Feifei... his whereabouts are erratic, we are still looking for it."

The scenery was fascinated by the story, "It turns out that this is the **** wind that the big brother said..."

Although she is not in the rivers and lakes, she can also feel the turbulent undercurrents in the rivers and lakes from the dictation of the night pavilion.

"What the big brother said is the truth." Wan Pavilion persuaded with all his heart: "Little sister, you don't always be angry with the big brother, sometimes it is always good for you to listen to what he says. ."

The scenery gave a perfunctory "Oh", and she asked again: "Second brother, tell me what kind of person the leader of the martial arts is."

"Lord Qi, his martial arts is extremely high, but his heart is kind, he is also kind and friendly, and his temperament is even more gentle. I heard that once he went out and saw a civilian who was bullied by a pirate, he went to the water village alone that night. He was able to wipe out the all-evil waters with only one person. For this reason, he was injured, but he said that he was not in serious trouble. Not only that, but he also often dealt with the injustices in the rivers and lakes. On weekdays, he in addition to doing On business, I love to read books in my spare time. As long as you mention Qi Mengzhu, there are no people who do not say good things.

For Qi Changan this person, Wan Pavilion is very much appreciated.

Feng Feng touched his chin and said, "Except for the sentence of extremely high martial arts, how do I think that the leader you are talking about is somewhat similar to the big brother?"

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