Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 178: Raiders Medical Poison Sage

But recently there was news that the lawless eldest lady in Zhejianlou was poisoned. It is said that after the leader of the martial arts brought the quirky medicine poison fairy to Zhejianlou, Xia Guangming was poisoned. As everyone knows, Wulin The leader Yi Wushang is Xia Guangming’s fiancé, but recently there have been gossips that Yi Wushang has some unexplainable relationship with the poisonous fairy Guan Yueyue, and I think of Guan Yueyue’s art of medicine and poison that few can match... Everyone had to think a lot.

But no matter who inflicted the poison, the poisoning of Xia Fengjing is really a delightful thing.

But some people will desperately save the scenery.

Outside the old man Gu, Xia Chao walked around anxiously, waiting for the response from the people in the valley.

The scenery standing in the shade of the trees, wearing a veil made her feel a little hot, but she couldn't take it off, because her originally beautiful face had many red spots, let alone other people, even herself It feels spicy at a glance.

Xia Chao came over and walked over again, making her head dizzy, "Father, can't you stand up? It's not too tiring to walk around."

"What are you talking about!" Xia Chao slapped her on the head, "I am not in a hurry for you. Xue Ran is known as the sage of medicine and poison. There are countless people who seek medical treatment from him every year. I was afraid of me. If you have a little friendship with him, he will not agree to detoxify you."

She casually said: "If you can't solve it, just forget it. Anyway, my father is so rich, I don't worry about not being able to live even if I can't get married."

Feng Guang thought that her father would slap her head angrily again, but did not expect her father to suddenly shake his head and sigh.

"Father...what's wrong with you?" She felt that her father's reaction was a little wrong.

Xia Chao had a deep gaze, "The scenery, how long can father protect you? Now Yi Wushang has changed his affection for you. I'm afraid he might raise the matter of regretting marriage one day. If this continues, I will be able to keep you in the future. How can you rest assured."

"Father, what did you say suddenly?"

Xia Chao still wanted to say something. The person who went to report to Yanai came out. Xia Chao couldn't answer the question from the scenery, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked: "How does the doctor Xue reply?"

"Master said that if you invite Miss Xia in, he will take a month to heal Miss Xia." The speaker was a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy with a delicate appearance and a slightly more feminine face. In a few years, only I'm afraid that he will become a beautiful man who arouses countless women's secrets.

The stone in Xia Chao's heart finally fell, and he looked at his daughter, "Scenery, remember, you must not play your temper in the valley anymore, so Rengu is different from the Zhejianlou. If you fail to temper your temper, you will be caught Driven out."

"Father, what do you mean by this? Don't you accompany me in?"

"Since God Doctor Xue only said that you should be allowed in, then only you can enter. You must not cause trouble during this month in the valley, you know?

The weird energy in Feng Jing's heart is even greater, but she can't catch any strange place, because Xia Chao is really only teaching her daughter with her heart. She nodded, "I see, dad, don't worry."

The boy said: "Miss Xia, please come with me."

"Father... Then I'm leaving."

Xia Chao's eyes were tender and kind, "Go."

The scenery followed the young man. Before going into the valley, she looked back at Xia Chao, and he was still standing there looking at her.

Seeing her turning around, Xia Chao waved to her again, "Go ahead."

"Father, I will miss you!"

She shouted and followed the boy without looking back.

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