Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1875: Raiders of the martial arts leader

Seeing that he was about to let go, the scenery could only hold his head and shout: "There are so many dead leaves in the cave to prevent you from falling, I never thought of burning you!"

"Oh?" Qi Changan's hand that was about to let go changed to clenching the Huozhezi in his hand. He asked suspiciously: "Miss Xia prepared so many dead leaves in the cave. It turned out not to burn me. Is it?"

"I..." Feng Jing held his head, raised his eyes timidly and said: "Although I hate what you hurt me, I also want to get back with revenge, but I never thought of killing you and laying it on A layer of fallen leaves is to prevent you from falling. I just want to trap you in the hole. When you beg me for mercy, then I will let you out."

"Ms. Xia didn't mean to say something nice here because she was afraid that I would leave the fire book."

"If I lie, then I will be struck by lightning!" Feng Guang raised his hand and swore to prove that what he said was true.

Qi Changan didn't speak anymore, his quietness would only make people wonder if he was still considering whether what she said was true or false.

Feng Guang said anxiously: "I assure you, although I was angry that you hurt me, but I really didn't want to kill you!"

He said, "Miss Xia."

"I'm here!"

"It turns out that it has to come to life and death to correct your duplicity?" Qi Changan has retracted Huozhezi, his eyes are slightly bent, and the smile in his eyes is rather helpless.

The scenery paused, she didn't quite understand what he said, and then frowned again, "What do you mean?"

"Just as Miss Xia thought, I never thought of killing you."

These words rang in her ears, she suddenly turned around and turned to look, Qi Changan seemed to have appeared next to her in the blink of an eye.

For his sudden approach, Feng Jing was not mentally prepared. She was so scared that she shrank back, pointing at him and tremblingly and said, "You, you, you, you..."

For a long time, I couldn't say a complete sentence.

"If Miss Xia can practice martial arts well, she won't be so fussy now." Qi Changan smiled and glanced at her feet. "Of course, if Miss Xia doesn't need my help, then you can also get out of this hole by yourself. Climb out."

"Wait..." Feng Jing was afraid that he would fly away in the blink of an eye. She hurriedly stretched out her hand to grab the corner of his clothes and whispered for a while, but she couldn't say the words asking him for help.

Qi Changan was not in a hurry, just squatted in front of her, looked at her with a smile, and waited quietly for her to say something.

The scenery blushed, and finally he said, "My foot is sprained..."

Although the fallen leaves that she had laid in Wanting didn't cause her to suffer any serious injuries, the bumps and bumps during the fall were indispensable, especially for her delicate and weak body, and it was normal to be sprained.

"Miss Xia's ankle was sprained, so?" Qi Changan asked, he seemed to not understand what she meant, and he must force her to say a complete sentence.

The scenery bulged her cheeks, and the hand holding the corner of his clothes couldn't help but increase her strength. She didn't want to show weakness to him.

She lowered her head and didn't make a sound for a long time. Qi Changan seemed to be patient. He didn't urge her, so he waited here until she was willing to speak.

"My ankle was sprained..." Finally, she heard her small mosquito voice, "Please... take me out..."

Qi Changan also smiled slightly, "Sometimes a little girl can be more cute when she is more honest."

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