Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 180: Raiders Medical Poison Sage

Qingyu ignored the convulsive scenery and greeted the master. He went back to the house because he was rushing to cook.

Scenery's gaze fell straight on the beautiful man in white. She watched him approaching herself, only to feel that the peach blossoms in full bloom behind him served as a foil.

"Miss Xia." He smiled, "I am Xue Ran."

"I know you." Scenery almost stretched out her hand. She was notoriously impolite before and put on a knowledgeable appearance, "Thank you, genius doctor Xue, for being willing to detoxify me."

Mentioning this, Xue Ranmian apologized, "I heard that Yueyue was responsible for Miss Xia's poisoning. I'm sorry, Yueyue is my disciple. I just made up for the mistakes my disciples committed."

"Ah, this... Doctor Xue doesn't need to apologize, after all, it wasn't you who poisoned me, so this matter has nothing to do with you."

"Miss Xia, don't worry, she will definitely detoxify you next time."

Being watched by his gentle eyes, the heartbeat of Fengjing couldn't help being confused a lot, she could only nod her head and say okay, and she didn't know how to react anymore.

The scenery room was arranged next to Qingyu. While Qingyu was still cooking, Xue Ran asked her to take off the veil. The scenery was very embarrassed about the red spots on her face, but Xue Ran did not. There was no emotional change, he just looked at her face seriously, and that serious gaze was just studying one thing.

After a while, he said: "This is like the effect of a beautiful woman's complaint. According to Miss Xia, you have been poisoned for ten days, but the effect of a beautiful woman's complaint will not last for three days."

"Then what is the poison in me?"

"Miss Xia, Yueyue is not a bad-hearted child. It is impossible for her to ruin your appearance forever, as long as she took the wrong medicine or there are other flaws in it."

Scenery blinked, not interested in what he said to protect Guan Yueyue, she just wanted to know if she could still be saved.

Xue Ran realized her thoughts from her silence, and the corners of his lips raised slightly, "Miss Xia, don't worry, although it is still unclear what the poison is, it is not difficult to solve it. I will prepare decoction these days, please Xia The lady will cooperate."

"Ah? Take medicine..." She was bitter. In other martial arts dramas, detoxification is just swallowing a detoxification pill, right?

Xue Ran knew that she was afraid of hardship and didn't want to take medicine by looking at her face. He smiled and said, "I will prepare sweet-scented osmanthus cake."

Scenery suddenly raised his eyes to look at him.

Xue Ran wondered, "Ms. Xia doesn't like sweet-scented osmanthus cakes? Why do you look at me like that?"

"No..." She opened her mouth, "I like osmanthus cake very much."

"That's good, Qingyu is best at making sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, but I don't like sweets. If you have Miss Xia to taste, I believe he will be very happy."

It turned out to be for this reason...

The scenery couldn't tell whether it was a loss or a sigh of relief. She also smiled, "Lao Xue, the genius doctor, is bothering."

Starting today, she has officially lived in the Valley of the Dead.

The room Xue Ran prepared for her was of course not as luxurious and luxurious as hers, but it was also comfortable and clean. She was very satisfied, but Qingyu expressed dissatisfaction with her stay. This was reflected in his attitude, because he felt her Very annoying.

For example, now, she said she would go into the kitchen to help him wash the dishes, but she was actually watching him wash the dishes.

Scenery smiled and asked him: "Good Qingyu, can I ask you a question?"

not good.

Anyway, she would ask if he said that. Qingyu chose not to speak. He was still calling him bad Qingyu a moment ago. Now if you have to ask him about something, the name becomes good Qingyu.

He had never seen such an unprincipled person.

"I ask you, is your master treating your senior sister nice?"

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