Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 192: Raiders Medical Poison Sage

At this time, a maid came over, as if she didn't feel the current atmosphere is dangerous. After the salute, she said: "Chairman Shan, the old lady said that these three are harmless, and they must be invited over."

Tang Zhaoyi said, "Is this the old lady personally speaking?"

"Exactly." The maid said respectfully.

Tang Zhaoyi's face became worse.

Shan Ya said: "I was planning to take them to see the old lady. Since the girl Jin Haul is here, please ask the girl to take them over."

"Okay." Jin Ling looked at Xue Ran and his party, "The three, please follow me."

Xue Ran nodded, "Thank you girl."

The Tang Gate was built in the mountains, so there were many pavilions, towers and pavilions. When you look at it at random, there are many green bamboos standing tall. The three of them followed Jin Hao and walked for about a cup of tea, and finally arrived at Tang Lao. The wife's yard.

Jin Haw stood at the door, "Old lady, someone has brought it."

"Come in." There was a puffy voice inside.

A group of people walked into the hall and saw that although the old man sitting on the main seat was full of silver hair, her face was ruddy and she looked radiant, especially her eyes were sharp enough to see through. When she was young, she was also a valiant beauty. This is the old lady Tang, who used to be called Tan Jian by her former boudoir name, and is now the highest decision maker in Tang Sect.

"Junior Xue Ran, I have seen Mrs. Tang." Xue Ran handed his hand, and introduced the people around him one by one, "This is my disciple Qingyu, this is..."

"My surname is Xia, it's just a small character, and the name is not enough." Feng Guang said quickly, she winked at Xue Ran, she didn't want to let others know that she was a vulnerable fiancée.

Xue Ran understood, and stopped mentioning her identity. Instead, he said: "Old Lady Tang, I am entrusted by someone to come here to heal Young Master Tang."

"The old man knows why the doctor Xue came." Old lady Tang took the cloth bag presented by the golden strands, she did not open it, and said with a nostalgic look on her face: "I think back then, I just soaked in the mountain hot springs. After taking a shower, I turned around and saw that my belly pocket was gone. It turned out that he had picked it up."

A group of people were silent.

Is it really okay to say that your bellyband was picked up so calmly? Moreover, it would be more appropriate to use the word steal!

The scenery whispered, "It's worthy of being the best in the world, even stealing women's belly pockets."

"Shameless." This time, Qingyu had the same idea as the scenery.

Xue Ran understood why Sun Yidao would give this so-called token to Fengguang instead of himself, because Sun Yidao knew that if it was given to him, he would definitely not take it out, and his face was too thin.

Old Mrs. Tang also knew that she had caused the silence in the present atmosphere, but she did not feel embarrassed at all and asked Jin Hao to put things away. She said: "The **** doctor Xue came from a long way for Jiuge, and she is really sad, but Jiuge’s situation is really worrying, so please go to see Jiuge and take a rest.

"It's important to save people, and I plan to go to see Young Master Tang first."

"It's so good, Doctor Xue, please come with the old man."

The old lady Tang took Xue Ran to Tang Jiuge's residence, along with the scenery, while Qingyu went to the guest room with Jin Lv, and he wanted to organize the things he had brought and put them in the guest room.

Scenery walked beside Xue Ran, and looked left and right. She didn't care about the poisonous disease of Tang Jiuge that Xue Ran and the old lady talked about. Suddenly, a woman rushed out of the corner. She was running very fast. Hurry, she can hide quickly when she sees someone in front of her, but she has avoided Mrs. Tang and Xue Ran, but has not escaped a scene.

When the two collided and were about to fall to the ground, Xue Ran stretched out his hand and grabbed the weak and boneless hand. However, what he was pulling was not beautiful.

The scenery fell heavily to the ground. Before he had time to cry out, he heard Xue Ran's surprised voice over there, "Yueyue?"

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