Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 194: Raiders Medical Poison Sage

At this time, the increased agility of the scenery played a role. She took a step back and looked at the bamboo leaf deeply embedded in the bamboo. She was afraid for a while. When others were about to throw the second bamboo leaf, she hurriedly lifted it. Stand with both hands, "It's a friendly army, don't shoot... Bah, don't shoot!"

The man had a meal, and then a coquettish smile appeared on the face of the country and the people, "Oh? Friendly?"

This enchanting face... is it a man or a woman?

The gaze of the scenery quietly moved down, oh, his chest was flat, and she moved his gaze back again. In this world, there are people who are handsome and beautiful like a demon. If you don't think about it, only the demon leader Nangongli, she doesn't believe it. A man with such a good-looking look would be a perpetrator.

Yi Wushang is upright and calm, but Nangong Li is jealous. However, these two people are the same person, but when they play different roles, they have different personalities, but after all, Yi Wushang is still Nangong Li.

The alarm bells in her mind kept ringing. She had to find a way to survive. Thinking back to the plot, it should be Nangongli who broke into the Tangmen quietly with Guan Yueyue in order to steal the rainstorm pear flower needles, but she missed the organs. In order to save Guan Yueyue from being injured, and Guan Yueyue also wanted to distract him from the pursuit, the two of them dispersed.

With his brain running fast, the scenery pretended to hesitate and said, "Excuse me...Are you Guan Girl's husband?"

The words "husband" made Nangongli feel very happy. He stood up from the pool and his charming figure was fully displayed. He was not in a hurry to put on his clothes, but raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you know Yueyue?"

Yes, I not only know Yueyue, I also know Xiaoyueyue and Yue Yunpeng too!

Tucao replied, and the scenery was sorrowful and said: "I grew ugly since I was a child, and I was bullied by Tang Sect. Last time I was beaten again, it was Miss Guan who rescued me, and she still...she said I'm not ugly. She said that my soul is more beautiful than anyone else. Guan Girl is really a good person."

At this point, her eyes were stained with longing for the gods, even though the self in her heart had already vomited.

"She is really good." Nangongli smiled softly, "Is she calling you?"

"Yes, she wants me to give you this bottle of medicine." Feng Guang took out the golden sore medicine that she was wearing next to her body. This was the medicine Xue Ran gave her when she was stabbed by the silver needle that day. She couldn't have the slightest heartache. expression.

Nangong took a step closer and took the small medicine bottle. He opened the cork and smelled it. This is the medicine Guan Yueyue would carry with him. He smiled and was very charming, "Girl, remember to thank Yueyue for me."

"Okay, then I'll say goodbye first." The scenery calmly turned around. In fact, she was already in a cold sweat.

Just when she was about to relax, the blade of bamboo leaves behind her had not arrived. She instinctively squatted down and escaped. She watched the bamboo leaves embedded in the bamboo pole again, very thankful that she had lit up the lucky value.

She turned back shivering, "Master, son? Why are you..."

Nangong Li smiled dangerously: "You do pretend very well, but do you know where you went wrong?"

"What the son said, I don't understand."

"Seeing the deity without clothes, as a woman, you have no reaction at all." Nangongli slowly picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on. Even the action of putting on the clothes inadvertently revealed everything. Kind of amorous feelings, "You are very wrong, little girl."

Inside the scenery, a group of *** rushed past.

Just because I'm not idiot you, do you think I'm wrong! ?

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