Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 196: Raiders Medical Poison Sage

Scenery and Shanya looked at each other speechlessly, and the atmosphere was very silent. As soon as they walked out of the bamboo forest, they saw many people walking around, calling "Miss Xia."

Isn't this Miss Xia her?

Scenery saw Xue Ran at a glance. She had just experienced life and death. She forgot that she was still angry. She waved and shouted: "Xue Ran, I am here!"

Hearing the sound, Xue Ran walked over, Qingyu beside him, and Guan Yueyue who looked reluctant.

Xue Ran glanced at Shanya beside her and asked, "Where have you been?"

His tone was very wrong, and he could even say that he brought anger that he would not normally have. Isn't there such a sentence? A gentle life will be even more terrifying when it gets angry.

For some reason, Feng Jing was instinctively afraid of how he looked when he was angry, even if he was still gentle and elegant at the moment, she unconsciously hid behind Shan Ya, "I just... lost my way."

"Do you know how long I have been looking for you?" Xue Ran narrowed the corners of his eyes, and put his gaze tightly on her alone.

"I...I didn't mean to get lost." Xue Ran's aura is unexpectedly strong today, she faltered, because she had experienced a thrilling thing, she didn't feel how long she had disappeared, in fact, she had disappeared. It's almost an hour.

Seeing her pitiful cringe, Shan Ya couldn't help but say: "This girl lost her way into the bamboo forest and met the lurking Nangong Li. She almost died. She was terribly scared, so please sir. Don't blame her anymore."

"Hmm!" Scenery hid behind Shanya and nodded desperately.

"The demon leader..." Xue Ran took a step closer, reached out and pulled her out from behind Shan Ya, and asked, "Are you injured?"

"No, it was Hall Master Shan who saved me." Scenery watched him holding his hand. The fear just disappeared, and he couldn't help laughing.

Guan Yueyue suddenly said: "Did you catch him!?"

Everyone looked at her.

Guan Yueyue also realized that her emotions were not right. She tried to suppress the worries in her heart, and said as usual: "I mean the demon leader does no evil, since you met him, did you catch him and rectify the Fa right there?"

Shan Ya said: "He was so light-hearted that he let him escape."

"Then..." Guan Yueyue looked at the crowd and held back the word "good", "What a pity!"

The scenery is not like other people. She who has the eyes of God can naturally guess the joy in Guan Yueyue's heart at this time. However, even if she says that Guan Yueyue and the demon leader are happy, no one will believe her. After all, she is kind. How could Fairy Doctor Poison be with the evil demon leader?

Do no evil... by the way, Qingyu!

Unconsciously, his gaze was placed on Qingyu's body. As soon as Feng Guang opened her mouth, she saw Xue Ran shook her head while she looked at herself. She closed her mouth and decided not to speak.

Qingyu was standing next to Xue Ran. He naturally saw the scenery and stopped talking, and then looked at his master's look...Although he had a cold face and was young, his brain was much smarter than that of his fellow sisters. With this integration, he also guessed that the scenery must have known his life experience.

Glancing at the hand held by Xue Ranhe and Fengjing, Qingyu hummed awkwardly. His master had finally held her hand, and she was really worried about doing other unrelated things.

Qingyu walked over to pull at Guan Yueyue's sleeves, "Sister, I recently developed a new poison, can you come and see it?"

"Okay!" Guan Yueyue heard that Nangong had nothing to do, and was happier than anything else. Qingyu came to find her, and she naturally left with him happily.

The scenery stared at them as the back of his sister and brother leaving, and said with a numb look: "Qingyu... wouldn't he like Guan Yueyue?"

Xue Ran lowered his head and smiled, "You are thinking about something messy again in your little head."

The scenery snorted, Xue Ran, a dull man, has always had a very accurate sixth sense, okay?

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