Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 202: Raiders Medical Poison Sage

Xue Ran raised his hand and brushed off a fallen leaf on the top of Feng's head. Because of his actions, she was stunned for a while, and he laughed, "Miss Xia seems to be different from the rumors."

"I know, they all say that I oppress the people, arrogant and domineering..."

"Now that I think about it, the rumors are always rumors, and you can't believe them all."

The scenery looked at him strangely, not knowing why he was talking about this, no matter if you don't understand, don't understand, she suddenly jumped and hung on his body, Xue Ran subconsciously hugged her to prevent her from falling to the ground.

His ears were red, "Miss Xia..."

"Xue Ran, do you see me getting thinner?"

"...You only ran for half an hour." And half of the time you still sat on the ground to rest.

The scenery thought for a while, "Yes, I only ran for one day today. You can't feel it when I lose weight, but it doesn't matter, Xue Ran, you remember my current weight. I will run again tomorrow, and see if I change. thin."

Xue Ran bit his head and nodded, "Um..."

As if he hadn't seen him shy, the scenery came down from him neatly again, she took his hand and walked back, "After running for so long, it is considered to give the little boy face, I am hungry, Tang The food at the door should have arrived, let's go back to eat!"

"Um..." He quietly turned his face to one side, not daring to look at her.

Tang Sect’s guests all live in the same yard. Naturally, they eat together with the guests in this yard. Old lady Tang is too old. She doesn’t want to entertain guests every time she eats. It is true that her identity can reach her generation. You can have no scruples, because even the martial arts leader must respectfully call her senior.

At the dinner table, Guan Yueyue was in a very good mood and put a piece of meat in a Qingyu bowl. "Brother, I did a good job this time. I've seen her not pleasing to my eyes a long time ago, huh, she still wants to hook/ Take our master, we should fix her!"

Qingyu did not speak.

Yi Wushang, who was sitting next to Guan Yueyue, said, "I heard that she is really running around Tang Sect."

"Why, do you feel distressed?" Guan Yueyue muttered, "Yes, she is your fiancée, and you should feel distressed."

"Yueyue, you know, my marriage contract with her is just a combination of interests." At that time, the young Yi Wushu needed strong support to sit on the position of the leader of the martial arts, and Xia Chao just needed a leader of the martial arts. To further enhance the prestige of the Zhejianlou, Yiwu and Xia Guangguang's marriage contract is only a trend under the interests.

Guan Yueyue's expression softened, but she still pretended to be dissatisfied: "You explain so much to me what you are doing. Xia Guangguang is your fiancée, is that correct?"

"Yueyue..." If he was wearing Nangongli's skin, he would have pressed Guan Yueyue against the wall, and a kiss made her speechless, but now he is innocent, taciturn and straightforward. It's easy to hurt.

Seeing their flirtatious interaction, Qingyu suddenly became agitated, put down his chopsticks and got up.

Guan Yueyue asked, "Junior Brother, what are you doing?"

"I'm full." He lifted his foot and left.

Guan Yueyue yelled at his back with interest: "Junior Brother, what I taught you this time is to ask you to make Xia Guangguang run around Tangmen, right? Next time she comes to you again, you will tell her to follow Run down to the mountain!"

Qingyu didn't intend to respond, but he walked to the door and stopped suddenly.

Outside the door, in the scenery walking back with Xue Ran, her face was covered with a veil, so that people could not see her expression, but the black shiny eyes were dyed so clearly.

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