Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 219: Raiders Medical Poison Sage

After returning to Tangmen, Fengjing thought about going directly to Nangongli, but Nangongli and Guan Yueyue did not return to Tangmen. Only Qingyu came back. He said that Guan Yueyue and Yi Wushang left Bashu first. In fact, everyone As you can guess, Guan Yueyue didn't want to go back to the Valley of the Old, so she just took a step first.

The scenery is impossible, she is now back home, just wanting to go back to confirm the truth of the matter, fortunately Xue Ran will help her take care of everything, otherwise she will really go back on foot, Xue Ran asked Shanya to send someone to send Qingyu Back in the Valley of the Old Man, he and Feng Guang went to the south of the Yangtze River. Before leaving, Xue Ran asked: "Qingyu, Yueyue's medicine is in my study. She comes back and remembers to give her the medicine."

"Yes, Master." Qingyu nodded and looked at the scenery again. In the end it was the person sent by Shan Ya who left without saying anything.

Outsiders often say that no amount of pain can alleviate the pain of the person involved, Qingyu understands this very well.

Hearing what Xue Ran said, the scenery with a blank mind suddenly asked, "Why does Guan Yueyue take medicine?"

"Yueyue has a heart disease since she was a child, and she needs to take medicine every month."

Scenery suddenly felt a panic. She reviewed the original text that the system king gave her many times before and after. There was no plot of Zhejianlou being destroyed. Naturally, there was no part of Guan Yueyue's heart disease. Yes, no matter which world it is. , Because Xia Jing has not been the original Xia Jing since she was born, so there will be more or less changes in the plot caused by the butterfly effect, but this kind of change that affects the heroine role setting has never happened. .

"Scenery, what's the matter?" Xue Ran couldn't help but ask carelessly, seeing cold sweat on her forehead.

She shook her head, "I just... want to go home soon."

"We will be there soon, and we will be there in less than ten days."


Feng Guang originally thought that he had not heard any passers-by mentioning the accident in the Zhejian Tower, which proved that the news of the massacre order was fake. It was only Mu Liunian who was playing with her and deliberately joked with her. In front of the door, the feeling of powerlessness and sadness swallowed her whole person.

The smell of blood... the strong smell of blood...

Xue Ran supported her with compassion in his eyes, "Scenery, you don't need to go in, I'll just go in."

"No...I want to go in!" She waved his hand away, and after hesitating for a long time, she put her hand on the door, and with only a slight push, the door opened.

The blood on the ground has dried up, and the buzzing sound of flies attracted by the smell of blood is annoying, and there are corpses all over the floor in the blood.

Her maid, her nanny, the cook in the kitchen...everyone she knows, she trembles, walks towards the hall step by step, her father is still sitting on the wooden chair as before, but he no longer Nor would he sigh helplessly at her with that majestic expression.

The scenery knelt and sat in front of Xia Chao weakly, carefully touching him with his hands, "Father...I'm back...My face is better, you don't have to worry that I can't get married...Father, open your eyes and see See if I am okay..."

"Scenery..." Xue Ran hugged her into his arms. He was not good at words. In such a scene, he didn't know what to say to comfort her. He could only hold her in his arms and tell her no matter what. , He is there.

"I don't understand..." The scenery was choked, and she clutched his clothes tightly, with tears streaming down, "Why did he kill me all the way...because...is it because I offended him?"

"It's none of your business." The way she was crying was heartbreaking. Xue Ran only felt that her heart was severely grasped. He wiped her tears away and said softly, "The demon cult always does things like this, Zhejianlou. It's a decent person, and it's definitely a thorn in Nangong Li's eyes."

"No... you don't understand..." If you don't understand Yi Wushang is Nangong Li, you don't understand Nangong Li's hatred of her, "I killed so many people... It was my fault..."

Finally, she wailed loudly in his arms.

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