Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 236: Raiders Medical Poison Sage

Xue Ran did not die, the scenery had a foreboding, otherwise the system king would prompt her that the mission failed, and directly teleport her out of this world. She used to force herself not to think about this, as if he was dead, but now she is alone. Speaking out, her mood was complicated and unspeakable, and she didn't know what to think.

Shan Ya said: "He likes to use drugs to control people. Guan Yueyue has his poison, and Nangongli has his poison, even me. The only difference is that I knew it a long time ago, and they were still blinded. In the dark."

Mentioning this, Mu Liunian also looked worried, "We want to find that boy named Qingyu, to see if he can help Shan Ya detoxify, I don't know if it is possible?"

"This matter... Go talk to Qingyu. He is making medicine in the kitchen now."

After telling them how to go to the kitchen, Feng Guang walked to the room alone, raising her hand to rub her temples, only to feel a headache, but also ridiculous.

The longevity medicine...for such a ridiculous reason, he killed so many people. What is even more ironic is that every time I think of him, it is the gentle face. This kind of person cannot be thought of at all. Four words frenzied.

Passing a corner, Feng Guang heard the cries faintly. She followed the sound and saw a maid crying in that corner and another maid comforting her.

"Don't cry, you don't want to cry anymore, what if you let the valley master hear it?"

"Sister, my cat...why did Gu Master kill it, and want me to... even do it myself... Didn't Gu Master say that he likes this cat so much that I can raise it?"

What the maid was holding in her hand was covered with a layer of gray cloth, and the corner of the cloth that was not completely covered revealed a cat's claw that had been skinned...

"Oh!" Feng Jing covered her mouth and ran for a long time. When she reached a tree, she finally couldn't help but vomited out.

A ghostly voice sounded behind him, "Miss Xia?"

At the same time, a handkerchief was handed over, she took it, and when she finished vomiting, she wiped the corners of her mouth clean, holding the tree back, and said very weakly: "Valley Master."

"what happened to you?"

After seeing the disgusting scene, she swallowed the words, "I...because I am pregnant, I sometimes feel sick and want to vomit."

"Pregnant?" Dongfang Ye was at a loss for a while.

The scenery is a bit awkward, "It doesn't matter if you mention it."

Dongfang Ye's eyelids drooped, "Miss Xia... are you planning to give birth to this child?"

"I don't know..." Feng Jing's hand covered his stomach, "I can't make a decision."

"Miss Xia, with all due respect, you are still young, even if you don't plan to give birth to this child, there is nothing wrong with it."

The scenery pulled out a smile stiffly, "I will consider it slowly, Gu Zhu, I am not in good health, let me leave."

After taking a step, her pace stopped again, "Master Gu, I sometimes get bored. I don't know if I can go to your library to borrow a few books when I have time?"

"Naturally." Dongfang Ye smiled suddenly, like a pear tree blooming, pure and dazzling, "I will say okay with the guard at the door, Miss Xia can go in anytime she wants."

"Thank you Valley Master."

When the scenery turned around, her steps were not rushed or slow, just as usual. If there is a seemingly non-existent gaze behind her, she tried to pretend to be something she didn't sense, and asked in her mind: "Tell me, he Is it Xue Ran?"

After a long time, the system master replied: "Yes."

She closed her eyes in pain.

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