Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 251: Raiders of the Regent Mansao

The imperial capital is undoubtedly the most prosperous city in Dongyun Kingdom. There are endless hawkers on the streets, pedestrians, and merchants and envoys from other countries staying here. Since the reign of the first emperor, Dongyun Kingdom has been the most prosperous city. The state is known as the sight of all nations coming to Korea.

Scenery rejected Gu Yan’s suggestion that she wear men’s clothing. She still wore a red dress. Of course, at Gu Yan’s strong request, her outfit was very well-regulated, and she would not accidentally expose large areas of skin. Case.

With Gu Yan's support, she got off the carriage and stretched out indecently as soon as she landed. Gu Yan could only assume that she hadn't seen it.

"Where does the scenery want to go?" Because he was outside the palace, he couldn't call her majesty. As for her four maids, they were all protecting her in the dark.

Feng Guang did not answer his question, but went straight to an old man selling candied haws, "I want two bunches...no, I want three candied haws."

Seeing that it was such a pretty little girl, the old man smiled and gave her the candied haws, "Two cents a bunch."

"Gu Yan, give the money." Feng Guang said while holding the candied haws without turning his head back, and then ran to the shop selling osmanthus cakes.

Gu Yan took out an ingot of silver to the old man and said "no need to find it", and he hurriedly followed the pace of the scenery.

When the two came out of the pastry shop, the person holding the candied haws became Gu Yan, because the scenery was holding the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in the paper bag and eating happily.

She looked up and said, "You are not allowed to steal my candied haws."

Gu Yan laughed and said, "Okay, I won't steal it."

He is already past the age to eat this thing.

The crowd on the street suddenly became a commotion. Pedestrians consciously stood on both sides of the road, paving the road with flowers. Among the support of many maids, a enchanting woman stepped on the lotus step and came slowly, with a golden step on her head. Shake, the jade on the sway made a delicate sound with her footsteps, her face was covered with a veil, only the upper half of her face was exposed, but those eye-catching eyes can also remind people of the veil What kind of beauty she was wearing, her light white dress gave her a charming and not demon-like taste.

The scenery was dissatisfied and asked Gu Yan: "Who is she? Why is the show bigger than me?"

Her dissatisfaction lies in the latter sentence.

"She's Su Xu, and she is Su Lingxuan's master. It is rumored that she has psychic skills, can see what other people think, can calculate the past and the future, and it is said that there are countless people who seek to see her every day."

"See you? Didn't she walk out swaggeringly?"

Gu Yan smiled and said, "She will leave Su Lingxuan on the fifteenth of every month to pray for the people at the temple."

"That said, she is still a great goddess."

The adjective "God Po" is really... Gu Yan coughed slightly, "If this sentence is heard by others, you will be condemned by the people."

"Who dares to condemn me?" She laughed arrogantly, "I cut off his head."

The girl Su Xu stopped when she was approaching the two of them. She seemed to have changed her direction temporarily, and the people on the side of the road hurriedly gave her a way.

She walked up to the front of Guangxi and Gu Yan, first blessed the body and bowed her eyebrows, and said to Guangxi: "The girl is smart and casual, but if she doesn't do her duty well, she is afraid of harming others and herself."

"My lady eats, drinks and has fun every day, where is the leisure and leisure that harms others and herself?" Scenery raised her eyebrows, holding her arm and squinting at her, this attitude was extremely arrogant.

Su Xu said again: "The little girl just said what she saw, but she was just a kind reminder. If you can make a decision, you still have to look at the girl."

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