Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 265: Raiders of the Regent Mansao

An hour later, everyone saw their Queen Qian being hugged back by King Qian. The Queen raised her hand and covered her eyes. Her face and neck were stained with pink. It seemed very embarrassing. , But he is refreshed, if he can ignore his soaked clothes, I believe everyone will only think that the two of them are purely out for a green...

No one believed this.

Gu Yan glanced at everyone, and they immediately lowered their heads, trembling not to look at it again.

The scenery said viciously: "Let me down."

"Why your Majesty is so anxious? Isn't the minister afraid that you will have no strength?" Gu Yan smiled gently and charmingly.

The people in the audience grabbed three words, and they didn't have the energy...

There was a blockage in her throat, and she could only stare at him, "Are you naive?"

"Your Majesty always said that it is a good thing to be young, but it is not a bad thing to think about it now."

She sternly said, "Gu Yan, I order you to let me go."

He lowered his eyebrows, "Yes, Your Majesty."

The scenery fell from his arms, and when he stood on the ground, he crooked and fell back into his arms.

Gu Yan said slowly: "Your majesty has a bad waist, so be careful."

Oh, the queen has a bad waist...

Everyone couldn't help lowering their heads lower, always feeling as if they had witnessed something great.

"Ego!" exclaimed, "Come and help me!"

"Yes!" The ego hurriedly walked over and helped the scenery out of Gu Yan's arms.

Gu Yan casually said to the ego: "Your Majesty has weak legs and feet now, so I can wait on him."

Weak legs and feet!

This Nima is really amazing!

When the background board everyone blushed.

"Gu Yan, you bastard!" This was the last sentence that the scenery roared before getting on the carriage.

The majesty of her queen!

Gu Yan didn't seem to hear it. He said to the soldier general: "Let's set off."

"Yes, prince." The general took orders.

"Master Ke." Gu Yan looked at Ke Huai who was standing aside.

Ke Huai said: "Lord."

He was originally riding in a beautiful carriage on the road, but because the scenery hadn’t asked him to sit with him just before he got on the bus, he could only stand in place at this time, not knowing where to go.

Gu Yan faintly curled his lips, "Your Majesty needs a rest, so let's take a car with me.

"Yes." Ke Huaichui replied.

After three more days, after passing through a wilderness, the group finally arrived at the military camp at the border.

Lan Tingrong took the soldiers and waited for a long time at the gate of the barracks. When they saw the people on the carriage come down, all the people knelt on the ground, "Wearing Your Majesty."

The ego helped Fengjing to get out of the car, and Gu Yan and Ke Huai walked down on the next carriage. The scenery glanced at Gu Yan faintly, and said, "You don't need to be polite, just get up."

"Your Majesty." A group of soldiers got up.

The scenery looked at the man headed by the soldiers, his sword eyebrows and starry eyes, his breath was hard, and his silver-white armor made him beautiful and extraordinary. Only this man with blood and blood could cause many women to call.

"You are Lan Tingrong, General Lan?"

"Back to your Majesty, the final admiral is Lan Yingrong."

"Well, it looks really good." Scenery nodded affirmatively, "The conditions here are tough. You have been leading the war for many years and you have worked hard."

Lan listened neither humble nor overbearing: "It is the honor of the ministers to protect the home and the country, not to mention that there are many people in the military camp who are working harder than the ministers, and the ministers dare not speak up."

"Yes, yes, I have a high level of consciousness." She didn't know that he had been guarding the border because he didn't want to marry their royal family.

Hey, he doesn't want to marry, she doesn't want to marry yet.

Gu Yan took a step, "Your Majesty's visit to the Royal Driver's Conquest has brought the imperial physician and food and grass needed by the general. What is the general's next plan?"

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