Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 275: Raiders of the Regent Mansao

The love affairs about the queen have been added. The scenery has been hiding in his tent for several days and refused to see guests. Since the affection of the lake, Gu Yan has always been alone when he is alone with her. The wild horse, although a man has good skills in that respect, it will make a woman enjoy it, but she can't bear the consequences after enjoying it.

She had a sore waist and aching legs, and she had to face the ambiguous eyes of everyone. What she couldn’t accept the most was that those people’s eyes were clearly saying that Your Majesty was eaten and wiped out by King Qian. She was clearly your Majesty, of course. She just wiped Gu Yan away!

All in all, after opening up for a period of time, with mental and physical troubles, she decided to clear her heart for a while.

She even let the ego find a string of Buddhist beads from nowhere. When Gu Yan came to find her, she saw her sitting cross-legged on the bed, the string of Buddha in her hands slowly turning, her eyes closed and her face looked beyond the world. appearance.

Gu Yan laughed and said, "Your Majesty, which one are you playing?"

"Amitabha Buddha." She opened her eyes, her gaze was far and deep, as if she hadn't seen anything, she was looking at something detached from the world, but to put it bluntly, that is, her eyes were dull and her eyes were empty. "Recently, I read several books of Buddha. Book, I deeply feel that there are many obstacles in these three thousand worlds. I want to cultivate for a period of time. When I have realized it, I can get spiritual sublimation."

When you are enlightened, you will not be far from being a monk.

In fact, Feng Guang didn't understand what she meant by this string of words at all, she only knew that it would be very high when she said it.

Gu Yan exclaimed: "Ego."

"Yes, Lord." The person outside the door heard the voice and walked in immediately.

He smiled, harmless and charming, "Your Majesty has a pure heart and desires to cultivate Buddha, so he has taken away all the meat and fish in the food. These few days, your Majesty will eat fast."

The ego raised his head cautiously and looked at the scenery, "It's... the prince."

A string of Buddha in the scenery threw it towards Gu Yan, and Gu Yan leaned sideways, and the string of Buddha fell to the ground.

He pretended to be surprised: "Your Majesty doesn't want to cultivate Buddha anymore?"

"Gu Yan! You hate it!" Standing on the bed amidst the scenery, she shouted, "Don't let me eat meat just want to kill me!?"

"Is the minister inviting a master to explain to your majesty that people who practice Buddha don't eat meat?"

"Some people say that meat and wine have passed through the intestines, but the Buddha kept it in his heart!"

"What your majesty said is that there are monks who drink and eat meat, and naturally there are monks who go to the brothel for fun."

It's over, I'm following his way!

The scenery blushed and couldn't find words to refute, so he could only stomped and snorted to declare his dissatisfaction.

The person who saw this scene had already quietly exited the tent. Your Majesty flirted with the prince. Wouldn't she ask for trouble if she stayed here?

Gu Yan walked to the bed and grabbed her foot with anklets. "Your Majesty doesn't wear shoes and socks. Doesn't it hurt if you stomp your feet with so much strength? The minister remembers that your Majesty is very afraid of pain."

He smiled, it is easy to think of the scene in the water that day when she bit his shoulder and shouted for pain.

Scenery blushed and white, trying to get her feet out was unsuccessful, she shouted in shame, "You are a disciple!"

"It's okay for your majesty to scold the ministers and become disciples. After all, this is also a little taste between men and women." The corner of his mouth smiled slightly, which made people see a touch of warmth that he would not usually reveal.

The scenery was stunned, wondering if he really liked himself? She twisted: "Gu Yan, are you in love with me?"

He calmly said: "About so."

Yes, he really likes it and **** her.

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